why ?
We need more info. What pool are you mining on, how often does it happen?
Also if you could show configuration page, and status page when it happens that would help us be able to see what's happening.
As of now we cant say much to help.
Right now little is increase
It appears you did something wrong is setting up pool 2 and 3, this can explain the hashing rate loss. Anytime you have a problem connecting to pool 1, the miner will sit around and do nothing.
Also the diff on pool 1 is 1024, this mean hashrate will swing a lot. You might see hashrates of 250-650, in the 5s average. In the pic the accepts was small, so you may need to wait an hour to see what the true hashrate average is. But. fix things first.
Will remove pool 1 and pool 2 that will increase pool 1 ghs ?
lol make sure you have a live back up pool because one pool goes down an your miner thats how your losing hashs. If you simply just remove them nothing will change.