ALL the 3 PCIE connectors are needed to be connected to power supply on each hash board since it is based on serial power solution and there is no DC/DC inside the miner. Including the one PCIE connector on control board, there are 28 connectors in total.
Several PSU will be needed to support the miner, anyone spare PCIE connector from PSU will be connected to control board.
But be sure to power all the other PSU first and power on the last PSU which control board is connected in the end. this is very important!!
Bitmain could confirm this here, but they aren't posting much these days. If anyone already has a unit, they could also confirm whether using 2 out of the 3 connectors works and post here.
BTW the power requirements aren't as high as you mention: 3436W quoted by bitmaintech is at the wall, using a 93% efficient PSU. So the DC power to the S5+ would only be 3436*0.93 or 3196 watts, or 355W per board. *If* the design allowed the use of 2 connectors per board, this would put 178W per connector (14.8A). This isn't bad, considering S3+ units can easily be powered with 2 PCIe cables and those use around 355W as well.