I still can't work this ant miner with dd-wrt, the saturn worked fine but I hae spent now 12+hours. sigh this is rough. 3 miners, no hashing.
I can assure you that if you are using your dd-wrt router to read this message the router is not your problem. Also not sure if if is adding to the confusion but bitmain also uses dd-wrt on their host board.
ninja and I have both offered to help but it seems you would rather complain
Hope you get your 2.3 btc or whatever you are asking for them.
I also am a little tired of everyone treating ninjatech like they are a godsend. Compared to all other vendors they may be an 11 but compared to "normal" vendors I still give them a 6 at best. VERY POOR COMMUNICATION and not delivering when indicated.
So much better to underpromise and overdeliver than the other way around.
Might have something to do with you only having 6 TH on your MPOS pool this morning
OK I am done, just trying to keep my miners going and hope for a btc price rise so I might have a chance of profit on these units!!!