I agree with you, honestly lack of planning doesn't help, that's why whenever any kind of money comes in weather is by gambling or not is best to allow the money to be for sometime because at that moment multiple ideas will be flowing through your mind and your won't know the one to settle for, that's why you also need good friends to put you in place in this kind of situation. The advise you get will be the best to help grow what ever business idea you want to engage in. But to top it all I believe there's a spirit that comes with gambling money that makes people fail on how to manage the money.
I believe this happens to almost everyone because it happens to me all the time. I may have lots of bright ideas of what to do or invest money one when I’m still yet to receive the money, and when the money eventually arrives, I don’t know if I’ll say the money also arrives with new ideas that’ll completely outshine or should I say illuminate the previous plans I had, and if I eventually start acting on those new plans, I may end up making wrong choices and probably after I've used up the funds, I may start remembering the previous plans . But if calm down to think very well first before starting to act, I may likely just recall the previous plans I had and then pursue to sort them.
Lol, is normal my brother, like I said before is best you allow the money to be before you start thinking on what to do with it if not ones you have it in your possession you won't know what next to do. To me the best advise I'll give to those who happen to find themselves in this kind of situation, after being paid the money won from any kind of gambling first take some cash, but yourself a bottle or two and drink not drunk please then go back home and meet someone who you feel can give you the best advise on how or what to do with the money. Spill out your ideas and wait for his or her response.