The divident graph was, in the first place, just created for myself to automatically calculate/show me the divs from mining.
Because SebastianJu noticed the sheet he posted the link here and then there were questions about it
It's pretty useless for the one's not following this topic because devidends are also dependent from auctions income,
possible investments in new miners, other unseen costs. see my post here.
But for the rest of the graphs:
I thought you ment sharing it on forums etc.
The more publicity, the more buyers for the Block Erupter Blades, the more profits for shareholders
If you plan to use them on a commercial website adding my donation address
isn't probably to much to ask: 1SmiGSGWXzD5aZhmw3jyfpBFCgiki45MT
*I have to think about that one, depends on the site maybe.
Until now all the days/weeks of work for that docs got me an astonishing BTC0.04
But receive anything for it is AND never was my main goal. I started with it just for fun and because I like stats.
If I ever receive enough BTC for it I 'll probably donate it back to the Asicminer shareholders by buying that
ooooooooh soo niiiiiice USB Miner
Arent 24 hours back a bit much? I mean friedcat most probably sits down on wednesday, takes the numbers and calculates /400000. So im not sure that he will use numbers from 24 hours ago. And why the 10% less? The fees are 3% percent only at the pool. But there are other things like transaction fees that are collected. Sometimes thats a plus of 1% too. So i think the 10% less might make it more wrong than more exact. Or is there something i didnt think about?