.....the gun-loving fucktards that defend that more guns = less deaths are not helping at all.
Are you having fun making this stuff up? Because the statistics do not seem to agree with you.
What statistics? I know for sure the number of violent deaths per year in the country where I live is less than 1 per each 100,000 habitants, and as much as half of them are domestic husband-wive disputes (passional crimes).
In most of Europe you would NEVER fear for your kid to be killed in the streets by a criminal or a psycho.
In the USA, states which have passed "concealed carry law" show a decrease in crime. The reasons are somewhat obvious, Bad Guys act differently if they are worried there might be guns in the pockets of people they face.
Regarding your asserts re Europe, you seem to be trying to somehow generalize those to the USA. But the USA is the exact opposite of a homogeneous culture. I do not particularly believe that say, residents of a suburb in Boston face the same problems, issues and dangers that a resident of a suburb in El Paso does, with the border of Mexico 300 meters away and high levels of illegal activities close by.
But you know best, clearly.
So next time I talk with my friends in El Paso, I will have to relate this story to them of 'un hombre de Internet quien se dice ustedes solamente "gun-loving fucktards" '.
It'll be good for a laugh, right?
I know very well the USA is not a culturally homogenous country, while I also know very well that the parts of the world where kids grow up around guns are those with a higher ration of violent murders per inhabitant.
Its kinda ironic that "US libertarians" despise the Government, which strength resides precisely on the fact that eventually you will be forced to follow its laws at gunpoint, while those same "libertarians" praise those same guns like they are a symbol of individual freedoms. A blatant example of flawed logic.
Freedom resides in individual respecting each other, and that needs to be taught, not enforced. And this is why I wrote "banning is not the answer". If you want to have social peace, you just do not fight violence in society with more violence, you fight it with education towards respect to human life. BTW, did you know that police in Germany only fired 85 bullets in all 2011, and killed only 6 people? That's an 80 million country, so its roughly 1 bullet fired by police per million inhabitants in a whole year. Why? They haven't got the need to fire more, most of the criminals are unarmed because they just do not need the guns. There is a deeper respect for human life, and while Germany is a country where there are 30 firearms per 100 habitants (which is very high for Europe standards), the vast majority of people never sees or touches one in their whole life.
You have a very big problem in the US, I don't deny that: but arming more people will just make it worse. I guess you "libertarians" should know that there is no "good" or "bad" people, no "sane" or "crazy" folks - people is normal until the moment they aren't, your own mind could flip out at a certain point because of external circumstances, and if you have a gun handy and you know how to use its just so much likely that you will end up using it.
I guess that living in a country where the average burglar has a gun and its mentally ready to fight for his life doesn't help at all. Well, maybe there is some work to be done to address THAT, instead of making it easier for criminals to arm themselves.