What do you think should be done about assault weapons? Do you support them or not?
NOW that's an important question.... Should a large majority of people, who have hired some enforcers who carry assault weapons, require themselves to not have assault weapons, given that a large number of them already do have said assault weapons?
Can the enforcers with the assault weapons be reasonably controlled by the majority as is with their percentage of weaponry?
Can the enforcers with the assault weapons be reasonably controlled by the majority if and when the enforcers pry the last assault weapon from the cold dead fingers of members of the majority who had their own?
Just think of how nice the world would be, after the enforcers take the assault rifles from the BAD PEOPLE who have the assault rifles. They are BAD because they have assault rifles. This is an important job to take them away. Plus don't forget they may have ASSAULT pistols. They might have a cache deep under their floor full of ASSAULT beer or ASSAULT bacon or Dog forbid, assault knives. These are all certainly within the scope of the banning of "assault weapons" as everyone knows, water pistols and toy cap guns qualify too because in the mind of the child, they are vicariously playing with ASSAULT WEAPONS.
Not only that but Virtual Assault Weapons exist, such as macros that embed in keyboards and rapid fire a succession of characters into the Internet tubes.
And don't forget the Bitcoin Assault Weapons From Beyond Reasonable Reason; which have an array of Force rapid firing computational giga hashes..... far greater amounts than any reasonable person would need to protect himself.
Only government should have rapid auto hash capability any individual
citizen subject should be restricted to one hash per keystroke and a maximum of five per day. Then we can proceed to Ensure Public Safety.
Next we plan to regulate the foot as and when it is a rapid fire Assault Weapon. Walking is of course reasonable, but running should be limited to a maximum of six steps, sufficient for any Subject to avoid an on rushing car.
The work yet to be done is vast, my friend, and I am sure you will do your part to help. Do not doubt that we shall call on you to help from time to time, as your reports to Central Control have proven very helpful in the past. If you keep it up, and continue to point out the Unpatriotic and Dangerous, you will be well rewarded. If you make your quota of Reports on the Enemies you will be allowed a part share in the Bacon, taken from all of the evil ones before they were locked away. Be sure to Report them before they do anything bad, only when they have that suspicious look to them. Your inner and well trained sense will tell you; listen to it well.
Be vigilant, Komrade!