a good example of how
not to consolidate your small inputs: 217 inputs, 21 outputs, 0.07247704 BTC sent in total, and 0.04420628 BTC paid in fees. Some of the inputs are literally worth less than the fee paid to include them.
I think that many people don't know about transaction inputs and outputs and when they make a transaction from their wallet, instead of using a coins control feature, they click on max button and send all the coins together.
However, in this case, I checked some of the inputs, and all of them were funded earlier this month. It makes me curious why someone would waste so much money this way.
Probably he needed money, didn't have enough patience to wait for fees to fall down and put all the inputs to send money (I have done that only once when I was super upset about fees and was forced to use Bitcoin).
To be honest, it makes me curious, why people pay so much fees to create ordinals inscriptions. Are thousands of ordinals sold each day? And are they sold so expensively that it worth to pay hundreds and thousands in transaction fees? I have seen ordinals pay x100 and more than its recommended to pay to get transaction confirmed.
Maybe there is a secret sauce that we miss here.