When you connect your PC into the Avalon, are you giving your PC an IP address on the same subnet that your Avalon had?
Did you initially set up your Avalon on a DHCP or static IP address?
When you plug your PC into the wall were your Avalon will plug into in the new spot can you get onto the internet and surf websites?
I'll answer as I was asked.
Yes, the Avalon and the PC are on the same subnet. PC's address is 192.168.1.xxx and the Avalon is
I've tried to configure the Avalon in both Static and DHCP. When in DHCP it moves to (I made a copy of the MAC address so I could follow it though my router if it moved).
Yes, the PC can browse the internet just fine. There are three other Avalons that are connected to the same hub/switch as this one. They all work as advertised. I even tried moving network cables and ports on the switch and only this Avalon fails.
I think my bigger issue now is that CGMiner is missing from the Avalon in question. Or at least it looks like it is.
Anyone know how to telnet into these things? Is that even possible?
You need to stop confusing the working Avalon's with the non-working. That's now how to you do basic troubleshooting.
1. Is the Avalon that is having the problem setup on static IP or is it getting's its IP through DHCP? You can only be using one of them...
2. When you plug your PC into the network to test it are you plugging it into the same network cable you have plugged your Avalon at it's new location?
You can only SSH into the Avalon but you have to make sure SSH is enabled.