If the profit predictions doesn't match the actual payout, then it's a completely different story and really outside the scope of Awesome Miner. Puwaha always have good comments on these (for example: https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/m.26057460)
Whattomine gives revenue predictions per day of $8.54 mining the most profitable equihash coin and $6.62 mining the most profitable neoscrypt coin.
AM gives renue predictions per day of $8.42 mining equihash and $14.79 mining neoscrypt? What gives?
If you want more insight in the calculations that Awesome Miner do, please look at this one:
Awesome post!
Would just like a small clarification in regards to the displayed estimated earnings found on the miners tab in awesome miner. This estimation is based off your hash rate * miningpoolhub BTC/gh values and whattomine.
In terms of profit switching, is this performed only based on the hub you have selected correct?