can you point out to any guide on creating a custom pool with profit switching? it sounds like that might be one the better ways to go about GPU mining...with a focus on the algorithms they excel at in the pools that use them?
or am I off? I've got 8x GTX 1070's going and plan on getting 5x AMD 4xx/5xx GPU's shortly for my H110 Pro BTC+ mobo. I was a victim of the NiceHash hack, though I only lost my due payout of $90 USD, as I did use a third party wallet. now I'm trying to figure out all this new stuff, which is a wee bit more complicated.
thank you for your assistance!
It's no different than just creating a normal pool in AM. You go to the Options, select the Pools tab, create a new pool... put in the relevant information like a description, URL, worker name, worker password, and the coin that the pool will be mining. If you have any special commands to pass to the miner software do it in the advanced tab of the pool definition. For pools like Suprnova, you put in your username for the worker name... for me it would be "puwaha". On the managed miner, (or profit miner), you check the box to append the rig name to the worker name, so that the final worker name would be something like "puwaha.rig1"... you need to setup these worker names in the Suprnova pools before hand. Some pools will automatically do this for you.
After you've setup all these pools, go to the pool group tab and add them all to a pool group. Then in the profit switching tab in the options, check the box on Custom Pools and select the pool group you just made.
You'll need a profit miner setup instead of a managed miner, and then turn it loose. It will mine any of the coins in the pool group that is most profitable.
Here's some detailed information on setting up pools and pool groups: