So far I am loving this latest dev build. Now having Privileged Access - that sticks through hard boot - to the few errant s7's I have and all my s9's is marvelous.
On custom reporting of chip temps, folks should know Bitmine changed the API tags used for boards 2 and 3. Well technically, they moved the control cable ports and
that changes the tags used. Think it was batch 10 or later. Anywho I now use
"Chip: " + stats.ChipTemp1 + " / " + stats.ChipTemp2 + " / " + stats.ChipTemp3 + " / " + stats.ChipTemp4 + " °C"
Works for all s9 batches, just the '0' moves from spot-2 to spot-4.
Thanks for the update on this.
Request: Any way to make the performance graph record at least 12, preferably 24hrs? And be able to export the data as csv?
I ask because I am seeing weird behavior on a couple s7's and want to track when/how often.
Agreed, a longer period of time for history would be a great enhancement. Would it be possible to save that history with less detail for a week or even a month, and more detail for maybe 24 hours?
Logging to a csv file is desirable also.
These are good requests. Exporting to CSV will make perfect sense for larger period of times, because it will allow you to use Excel or similar to do more powerful analysis. I will put this high on the list of features to implement.