Thanks for the alarm sokani, it's worrying that the fake telegram has got a lot of users, 12k+ members/subscribers that's misleading people from the real [banned mixer] website to their fake and scam website. They got 3.9k views with their most recent post there and I just hope that telegram will review the channel and have it removed already based on the reports that it receives and hoping they're not slow as what Google does with their reports.
I'm not sure, but I imagine most of these groups buy followers to look legit.
Yeah, I forgot that it's possible to buy followers or subscribers for any social media these days as most of them are just bots just to convince potential visitors of these fake channels.
For sure, the more reports we send, the faster it will be handled. This usually takes between 5 and 15 days to be processed by Telegram.
In some quora posts that I've read, it's said to be 3 days and hopefully that it's even faster than these days. So while reading some FAQ on Telegram, there's also another easy way to report aside from:
There's also this method;
Once you are logged into your account, go to the chat section and search for ‘@notoscam’ bot. The name of the bot is Antiscam and it has a verified tick on it as well.