can you please stop spreading fear? do you own a gambling site? This is getting a bit annoying.
This will be my last comment on bots/cheating and I will link to this post if it gets mentioned again:1 All multiplayer games have a potential problem with cheaters (aimbots in FPS and such) this game is no different. Web is just a transport mecahnism.
Multiplayer games rarely die or fail or get destroyed due to this issue.
With this game, everyone has all the information, so the only way to cheat would be to make a very good bomberman AI. If you actually do this, (which you probably won't) please share it! a singleplayer mode for practice or addable bot players would be awesome
2 There are many very varied and subtile approaches to detecting bots. A few of the top of my head would be client fingerprinting, polymorphic api, statistical analysis. I will not go into details.
I'm prepared for an arms race in this context but would really like to postpone this, as I (and everyone else) would prefer me to work on cool new features then on bot detection.
3 If playing for money you'd usually play a few games with a person, introduce BTC if you have a similar skill and is fun, you also chat together. it would be tons of manual labor together with technical knowledge to scam people.
4 Anyone able to keep from being detected for any significant amount of time would be highly skilled, and could profit waaay more from spending time on something else, like a well paying job.
5, and most importantlyIf needed we can implement some kind of trust/registration/ban/similar skill matching system.
visible win/lose statistics for all players are already implemented.
I'm nerdy so I'd actually love to see bots playing against each other once matched together by simmilar skill matching system.
and now to reply to the only concrete things that you did say:
Simple rule : Anything on the client side can and will be hacked.
All multiplayer games have client side of course. In this case, the gameplay itself is simulated on the serverside, server decides who wins. you can't hack your way to victory.
You'd have to implement a great bomberman AI for this. (again plz share it if you do, a singleplayer mode would be great to have)
The Owner is not protecting his players or telling them the truth so i've created this thread for this reason.
tell me
exactly where I lied about something and of course provide evidence for your accusations.
lastly, let's stop with talking, your next reply, instead of spreading this vague fear, should be your first place on the leaderboards