cross posting here - Network Address January 4, 2017This is more of a summary of events and what is happening, as there has not been much software development over the holidays.
Poloniex and Seed nodesPoloniex's Boolberry daemon was down and I messaged them about how to start the daemon with seed nodes. There was information to suggest that Poloniex migrated some daemons to new computational environments last week, and as such their Boolberry daemon likely lacked the ability to connect to peers with its built in seed nodes being offline. The problem is fixed on Poloniex's end now, and this reiterates why the updates I am pursuing to the Boolberry client's seed node resolving is important.
GUIMonero officially released their GUI and it is written in the QT framework. A few contributors to the Boolberry project have offered designs for a Boolberry wallet that could possibly be reskinned over the Monero GUI, or separate QT GUI project.
Additional C++ DevI've been working on getting an additional C++ dev to contribute to the project. We will see soon if the project is right for them.
MarketThe Boolberry market has had a low and steady amount of order depth and volume over the last month. Although not rising with the bitcoin rally, the last matched prices remain the same, ultimately increasing the value of BBR supply as it is priced in bitcoin. At some points in time the market seems to have an inverse relationship, but not at this point in time, likely coupled with the confidence that Monero's own rally inspires.
I routinely get messages from people that want to contribute in various capacities, the Boolberry project is getting more and more attention as people see the technology here.
The blockchain is going to soon be too prohibitive for 32-bit systems, and getting that into the database out of RAM is also an ongoing effort.