2016-Jan-31 18:08:21.914303 Connections:
Remote Host Peer id Recv/Sent (idle,sec) State Livetime(seconds)
[OUT] a9046e7dadd740ea 296177(26)/110759(27) state_normal 2217
[OUT] 7b310d1ae9aae498 222316(27)/63471(27) state_normal 2314
[OUT] 1ed0c1e83bd84bfb 713628(24)/123872(24) state_normal 2341
[OUT] 1056f3d057a82878 291907(26)/111263(27) state_normal 2222
[OUT] 914c40381b15b1c1 2115695(26)/135045(27) state_normal 2335
[OUT] ccd2aae0f31fa810 302456(26)/114974(27) state_normal 2309
[OUT] af038b424f669694 305199(15)/116435(15) state_normal 2303
boolbd --add-priority-node --add-priority-node etc...
--add-peer arg Manually add peer to local peerlist
--add-priority-node arg Specify list of peers to connect to and attempt to keep the connection open
Thanks, I'll give it a shot tonight or tomorrow...