If you think for one minute you aren't in for gain as well, your full of it. Of course I was in it for gain, I was in it for the long term, but every attempt to better this coin has been ignored. I haven't seen on suggestion that moves this coin forward. So what's the fucking plan? How are you going to get people to invest, if everybody that comes into with an idea is rejected. I don't see any forward movement, just a bunch of people bitching about keeping the status quo. Oh, don't change the name, oh don't do this, keep it the same blah blah. If you keep it the same it stagnates and dies.
But what gives myself the ability to hold, in the face of impending doom over and over again, is that I've not overextended myself for short term gains or daytrading, or even long-term gains. The personal restraint to not place oneself in a situation where one feels the need to ever declare, publicly, the selling of a currency was a talent I built over the course of a long time. Trust me, I've done the same as you are now - public displays of anti-affection and what not - I've always regretted it before I learned. I really just don't have the motivation to go to poloniex and rage, fear or panic sell 'muh stash' because the investment ranges from whatever that loaf of bread costs.
It's worked out really well. Sometimes, for the investment of literally a couple dollars worth of power bills, I walk away with >10 BTC. It feels great, but the trick is to never stop asking yourself 'if this was useful today, what amount would I feel comfortable, value-wise, using it for?'. Sometimes, that's $1.00, sometimes that's $60. Yes, loaves of bread really can be that expensive. Also, sometimes I get hungry more than one day in a row. Additionally, these are far from sane investment vehicles. I recommend you spend time figuring that out. Talk to the developers, learn how to compile from source, learn to use ubuntu, change some lines in source code - that's where the gain is here. I'm sorry if you don't agree with that, but it's what brought me back from raging and mindlessly chucking peanuts at these decent folk. Take it as it goes, because there's no plan. It's a crap shoot, and I can sure spare a meal or two.
Imagine where you'd be if you bought a loaf of bread worth of bitcoin 4-5 years ago?