I completely agree. In fact, it's various flaws is what lead one of our members (TheSeven) to devise a reward system inspired by luke-jr's SMPPS, but hardened against various known attacks. We've been refearing to this new system as ESMPPS, or Equalized SMPPS. TheSeven can probably do it better justice than I can, but essentially it is SMPPS but differs in how it repays shares it's obligations when reserve funds are less than it's total obligations.
We feel that this new reward system will help ensure fair payment for all miner's based on their shares submitted. With this change to ESMPPS we will also be paying out on invalid blocks.
We are currently working on writing the implementation of this new system, and will have more information about our intended roll out date once it's implemented and fully tested. We will, for sure, be rolling it out at the beginning of a new round, so there will be no worries about dual reward system during a round.
Despite us loving this solution, we are still wanting to hear everyone thoughts on this transition. Hopefully TheSeven can chime in and elaborate on the reward system itself in greater detail.