Stay away from this scammer website and don't the mistakes a did back in 2016 to deposit money . Even with reinvest mode there is no chance to make a withdraw before 70 GHS expires.
Here is latest history records :
With an average of almost 2000 satoshi daily ,
minus the maintenance fees , you have no chance to make a withdraw in time if you
donated few dollars. Even as a big investor , you will be able to withdraw faster but you won't recover your money. Dont rely on the forecast numbers, that is a lie (i mean it is not based on the fees spent to withdraw so you have to deduct), you can't even make your calculation because you don't know what changes will bring next days.
I even login daily or almost everyday to change the pool percentages so it wont keep dropping but anyways this is useless.
The minimum amount + making the contracts for 1 year only, is created in order to scam people . I have recovered only 16% so far from the amount deposited to buy ghs power few times + the fees.
The forecast revenue table, which by the way those numbers are not real, shows that you wont make 0.0115 btc to withdraw not even in 1 year. According to that forecast table the maximum amount generated in a year is 0.00689 BTC, much far bellow 0.0115 BTC (minimum withdraw). I doubt that in reinvest mode will ever manage to make a withdraw before expiring 70 GHS from 130 (in august 2018).
Proof that is impossible make a withdraw in a year (contract expires) with actual income (impossible to recover your money before your GHS in SHA256 will expire,in this case 70 GHS from 130) :
(plus don't forget about the difficulty increasing and the constant changes on the websites)
So, anyone, don't tell me bullshyt how wonderful is hashflare and is not scamming people. If someone contradicts these proofs i will add to ignore list. You may had a profit but those days are gone years ago.
2 words for the new naive comers on hashflare : STAY AWAY from this website and don't do the mistake to deposit money on this website, better keep your btc in your wallet, you will get more profit by increasing its value.
Even if i manage to make a withdraw (0.0115 BTC minimum ) i wont be able to recover my money because there is a fee.
Edit : Few moments ago, Hashflare has increased minimum withdraw from 0.0106 BTC to 0.0115 BTC.They will keep modifying numbers so you won't be able to recover your invested bitcoin + the fees spent on transaction sending.
Their latest updates on the website few moments ago (today 8 december 2017) :
Dear users,
Due to the high load on the Bitcoin network and number of unconfirmed transactions we are changing the commission to 0.0015 BTC to reduce the time for withdrawal transactions to be confirmed. This means that the minimum balance to make a withdrawal is now 0.0025 BTC. This is a measure to increase the speed and stability of BTC withdrawals. We would like to remind you that HashFlare is unable to speed up the transactions in the blockchain. Lower commission transactions may take multiple days to be confirmed, since they have a lower priority from the perspective of the miners. Transactions with higher commissions are selected by the miners faster to be processed. Thank you for understanding!
Instead of wasting your money to send on hashflare or genesis mining, better purchase bitcoin and save it or invest in a new graphic card and start mining on your own btc or altcoins, you will earn more from its increasing value.