Good one. But joke aside, this table does imply that BitCore is the best version of Bitcoin right? Thats the one that is trading at around 30USD now and was airdropped in some sort to holders or bitcointalk forum members if I remember correctly. What makes this fork superior? The different mining algorhytm or the blocksize?
If you held btc on nov 2 you can get btx 1:0.5, so 100 bitcoin would give you 50 bitcore.
If you register your bitcore address by signing a message (the one that holds your balance) on you will get 3% of your btx balance on monday's.
In december this will move to 4% of your btx balance, until the rest of the coins are totally distributed amongst the holders. It has never been airdropped like for free no.
So you either get your btx from the bitcoin snapshot, from mining btx (same rewards as bitcoin) or from buying, and then you can opt for weekly airdrop if you register your address.
They have created their own algorithm (time travel/ asic resistant) , btx scales better, huge number of tx possible, and fastest out there.
Hitbtc will be the first exchange to distribute bitcore to their users soon.
Thanks for this clarifications, appreciate it. So what is your stand on this? Is it better than BTC? I mean there are a lot of cryptos that scale better than BTC, but they wont overcome it eighter. So why should BitCore?