Finally managed to sync, import private keys, send Bitcoin Gold to an exchange (HitBTC), trade, withdraw, and confirm the withdrawal. That was an ordeal!
Does anyone know if there are withdrawal limits on crypto at HitBTC these days?
how did you do that?,...which wallet?
I have Bitcoin Gold fully synched (on Linux) and am managing coins using bgold-cli.
$ ./bgoldd -rpcport=8339 -connect=localhost:8333 -bootstrap -skiphardforkibd
This created a new .bitcoingold folder in my home directory and the node proceeded to sync up to the fork block by connecting to my Bitcoin Core node. This took about an hour and consumed no bandwidth. You can check progress with
$ ./bgoldd-cli -rpcport=8339 getinfo
If you don't have a Bitcoin node then just omit "-connect=localhost:8333" but this will consume I guess around 150 GB of bandwidth and will probably take a day or so depending on your connection speed.
Once you've reached the fork block, kill the node and restart it with
$ ./bgold -rpcport=8339
If you're struggling to get any connections you can try adding nodes as others have explained recently in this thread but I expect you'll connect ok now. I interact with the node and wallet using bgold-cli. Some examples:
Importing a private key:
$ ./bgold-cli -rpcport=8339 importprivkey KzUj...eTX9 "" true
To import multiple private keys do the same but finish the line with false for all but the last key to avoid rescanning for each one.
Checking my balance:
$ ./bgold-cli -rpcport=8339 getinfo
"deprecation-warning": "WARNING: getinfo is deprecated and will be fully removed in 0.16. Projects should transition to using getblockchaininfo, getnetworkinfo, and getwalletinfo before upgrading to 0.16",
"version": 150001,
"protocolversion": 70016,
"walletversion": 139900,
"balance": 2057.86118500,
"blocks": 499934,
"timeoffset": -1,
"connections": 2,
"proxy": "",
"difficulty": 5188865.299493919,
"testnet": false,
"keypoololdest": 1510527535,
"keypoolsize": 1999,
"paytxfee": 0.00000000,
"relayfee": 0.00001000,
"errors": ""
Sending 1 BTG:
$ ./bgold-cli -rpcport=8339 sendtoaddress "GN1TFHAjkfBEH2gxQ2sarrwACatLdQFuL7" 1
Checking the status of recent transactions:
$ ./bgold-cli -rpcport=8339 listtransactions
HitBTC accepted my deposit after 6 confirmations (which took about 2 hours). The rest is cake.