In my country we have multiple courses in computer especially programing and web developments. My course is also information technology, but i've never heard or learn about online currency as bitcoin. In present, and future studies is there any chances for inserting about it in education. In your country is it available?
It would be better for any country to adopt bitcoin in educating new generations. Instead of playing games and wasting money in surfing xxx sites.
In some colleges in our country especially those schools that deals solely on computer and information technology there are some seminars about the dark web and about cryptocurrencies so at the starting years those students have some knowledge in cryptocurrencies but I think this is only on prestigious schools and I think in my school only few people know about cryptocurrencies. I think when the blockchain technology is being heavily used by society they will include it on the curriculum but for now I think courses like that is unlikely to happen ( but if you're school is advances enough, they might offer some courses on that ).
Good to know, it means there's a chance done if then might have drawn a curriculum around Bitcoin or they might be mentioned in these classes without we knowing about. I so wish I attend such a class one day and get to hear what the prifessowill have to say.