No, I will not comply I will ignore and evade and undermine the result of the vote when ever it is in my interest to do so.
Huh? Fluoridation of your water supply is handled on a state level (assuming you are based in the USA), so if you disagree with it then feel free to talk to your local politicians for your state. And as said earlier, if you do not like all your politicians, feel free to run for a state position yourself. The only thing blocking you is if the majority of the states population agrees with you or not. There was a town that was mentioned on Arstechnica lately that was able to get rid of fluoridation of their water supply. Also, fluoridation has been proven time and time again to be very effective when in the water supply and done correctly, and in the USA it is done very well. Heck, it is even considered by some to be one of the best medical advancements of this century! Also, if you don't like it, feel free to get a water filter for ten bucks.
Subsidizing GMO crops is not a bad thing. It encourages further research for GMO's crops so the yield increases and therefore food would become cheaper, more accessible, and easier to grow. Though, how Monsanto handles GMO's is quite horrific, so I somewhat partially agree with your there.
Debasing the currency is a long and hard discussion. I don't want to get into that on a forum where this has been talked about over and over again, often times with misinformation on both sides.
Raiding people producing fresh milk, that I have no clue what you are talking about. Selling milk which you produce yourself is very illegal, as it should be without any sort of license.
You should know fully well that equating actions with a users wife getting raped is a very flawed and messed up way to get any argument across. Millions are not dying due to voting and complying with the result, I haven't got a faintest clue how you are getting that. People vote in for someone they wish to represent them, and those people who represent them handle how the government should handle and do things. If you do not like how they are doing things, either impeach them, vote for someone else the next time, get the public to show that they disagree with the recent action, or run yourself for office.