Well hang on a second there's a reason why I didn't want to read that explanation and it's not because it was too much for me to handle it's because you have a tendency to dodge questions that can be answered in one sentence...
My question was how come I sent several emails 12 hours later still no response I posted on this forum and then 5 minutes later I got an answer, why?
You absolutely do not need a four page essay to answer that.
Hi jasonbourne212,
I have also just responded to your most recent email, but I did provide a very clear, direct answer your question above - if you don't fancy reading it thoroughly please feel free to read the sections in bold below, however doing so may cause you to take those snippets out of context which is why further text was given in order to provide such context:
Yes, the short timeframe in which there was a lack of response was due to the reasons outlined in my previous post, my response above, and also in an email that you received. I mentioned that I was reviewing the emails and would let you know the outcome once I was done checking everything out, further advising that I would respond to you here on bitcointalk also. As you can see by my own words above there was no specific time-frame attached to this as there was other site business to take care of simultaneously - it was specifically stated that you would be advised of the outcome once things had been checked out, not within 12 hours, 6 hours, 2 hours, etc. Had I mentioned something along the lines of "Certainly, I'll get back to you in 2 hours with an answer" your outrage over waiting a longer period of time would absolutely be justified, but in this instance it was not intimated that you would receive a response with the resulting outcome within X amount of hours.
I mentioned that you would receive a response via both email and the forum, not simply a response on the forum because you had posted here.
I did also mention in my last post that we check this forum and emails periodically and usually respond to whichever one we open first (95% of the time this is emails). Given that you emailed and posted on the forum, my own policy (which may differ from other members of the BVC team) is to write a response to both email and forum post and send/post them together so as to ensure that conversations don't become disjointed and everything brought up is covered.
The information below is written for you, and though you may not wish to read it I am writing it as it provides a clear timeframe and clears everything up for anyone else who may be reading this:You did not receive a response within 5 minutes of posting on the forum - you made your (now deleted) post on 04/06/2017 @ 08:02 (GMT +1) and received the first response from me about your issue via email on 04/06/2017 @ 14:35. This response was 6hrs, 33mins after you posted on this forum, not 5 minutes - and a total of 10hrs 24mins after first reporting your issue via email, not 12 hours.Just to put all of this into context you reported your issue on 04/06/2017 @ 06:11 (GMT+1). You then sent three further emails - one on 04/06/2017 @ 06:13, one on 04/06/2017 @06:21 (both of these with more information), and a final one asking for the funds to be sent to a certain deposit address on 04/06/2017 @ 07:29.
You then made your post on the forum on 04/06/2017 @ 08:02.
6 hours, 31 minutes after that post, at 04/06/2017 @ 14:33, you then sent an email responding to another member of the team and asked if we had gotten your emails, and
2 minutes later at 04/06/2017 @ 14:35 you received the following response noting that we received your emails and you would be advised of the outcome via email
and here as you had both emailed
and posted about it:
We received your emails and I am reviewing them now; I'll let you know the outcome once I'm done checking everything out, and will respond to you over on bitcointalk also.
You then sent a number of emails in response to that at 04/06/2017 @ 14:36, @ 14:43 and @ 14:55 regarding your self-stated 'stubborn nature and immaturity', while also advising that you were going to take your forum post down and that the site seemed slow lately.
You then emailed at 04/06/2017 @ 17:29 (2hrs 56mins after my last response advising you that you would be told the outcome once I was done checking everything out) asking simply "
really, ??", and then went on something of a tirade here about not getting a response despite being advised that you would get a response about the issue
when the outcome had been determined.
So as I explained to you in my initial email which you seemed to take umbrage at:
Please understand that we do also have other site obligations, site issues and offline obligations (family, situational, etc.) to take care of simultaneously - we are a very small team here at Bitcoin Video Casino, and as mentioned earlier I will let you know the outcome once I'm done checking everything out. Sufficient time taken to carefully check things out gives the best results, and we don't like to give anything less than our best.
You seemed to misinterpret that as an "excuse" concerning family / my private life whereby 'situational' actually also entails a period of sleep due to the situation of us being in different timezones.
As you may be more interested in a TL;DR:To cut it all short the timeframes that you mentioned were incorrect - you reported your issue at 04/06/2017 @ 06:11 (GMT+1) and received a response about it at 04/06/2017 @ 14:35 (10 hours, 24 minutes after reporting the issue which, although an unusually long time-frame for our support responses, is a reasonable timeframe allowing for members of the team to be able to sleep due to situational / timezone differences between them and you, and allowing them take care of other emails which came in before yours before getting to yours in the list and responding to it).Cheers!