
Topic: ★★★ Bitcoin Video Casino ★★★ - ||| Over 500 BTC in Progressive Jackpots! ||| - page 61. (Read 143651 times)

hero member
Activity: 806
Merit: 500
Congratulations user 8c05978992 on your massive 282.04 BTC slots jackpot!!!

Bot analysis: At the time of this win, no other accounts were playing 0.01 BTC slots besides this one. Looking at the last 30 games played that led to the jackpot, his rate of playing was about 0.9 games/sec. Definitely not a bot.
hero member
Activity: 806
Merit: 500
And another fucking bot wins the Slots jackpot. Fair my ass. Also I see you are following the Keemstar person on Twitter and you favorited his tweet that you sponsor him? Looks like you/your team could care less. This forum seems to be your damage control. Please sell your site to people that give a shit.

We have been trying to sell the site for a while now. We are only programmers on this team, and understand that there is a better team out there that can take over operating this site and make the experience better for the user.

If you or someone you know is interested in buying this site they can email [email protected] for more information. We are only going to sell the site to an honest team with experience running complex sites like this. We have already turned down many people because they did not have enough experience or were too shady.

We absolutely do care about this site. It was a dumb move to promote the keemstar videos, and we have apologized for it already. We made a mistake, and now we are moving on. Making a mistake like this doesn't mean we don't care what happens on this site.
hero member
Activity: 602
Merit: 500
Acc bought - used solely for signature testing
And another fucking bot wins the Slots jackpot. Fair my ass. Also I see you are following the Keemstar person on Twitter and you favorited his tweet that you sponsor him? Looks like you/your team could care less. This forum seems to be your damage control. Please sell your site to people that give a shit.
Hes been trying to sell the site for awhile now. If you have the BTC to buy it, ask him what his price is.
Activity: 31
Merit: 0
And another fucking bot wins the Slots jackpot. Fair my ass. Also I see you are following the Keemstar person on Twitter and you favorited his tweet that you sponsor him? Looks like you/your team could care less. This forum seems to be your damage control. Please sell your site to people that give a shit.
hero member
Activity: 806
Merit: 500
Out of all the gambling I do, which in my opinion happens to be way too much, BVC is my favorite place to play.

The one main suggestion I have is that they upgrade and give the Keno some love. Keno is a very fun game but I don't like how they have it set where a user has to play 10 numbers. On traditional Video Poker Machines that have Keno games they allow users to pick as low as 2 numbers. It's much easier to hit 5 out of 5 numbers rather than 9 out of 10, etc. If they could also add some animation and/or better sounds to the Keno as well.

Which I'm not dogging the Keno, it's great that they have it. There has yet to be any Bitcoin gambling site that has implemented Keno even half as well as they have, but I still feel like they could greatly improve on it. Right now users are running the slots hard in order to hit big jackpots but I honestly think that Keno is a better suited game for that purpose. The only problem is that for a big jackpot you need to hit 10 out of 10, which is pretty rough. If we had the option to play fewer numbers (with a lower jackpot of course) then I think that game would be a much bigger success. Just to get an idea the probability of hitting 10 out of 10 is 0.00000011 (with 1.0 being 100% chance).

Here's a great site to look up the odds on Keno and various paytables. Which I'm sure you guys would have a much better paytable.

Wow, thanks for the nice words! Glad to hear that BVC is your favorite place to play! Smiley

Thanks for the feedback on Keno. When we were building Keno we did initially consider making it such that you could choose to play any amount of numbers between 2 and 10, and then the payout would change depending on that. I agree that choosing fewer numbers could be more fun for some users. The reason why we didn't do this was that all of our other games have progressive jackpots, and letting the user choose how many numbers to play would require that we have a separate jackpot for every possibility. Hitting 2 numbers is much easier than hitting 10, so it wouldn't be fair if all jackpot contributions went into the same pool. So to avoid that confusion we decided to just have 10 numbers and a single jackpot.

Wizard of odds is an excellent site. We've used it quite a few times to verify our own calculations. Smiley
hero member
Activity: 806
Merit: 500
Please block this asshole from your site. Same one who I mentioned earlier this week who streams this shit and has everyone come in and try ddossing the site and the same idiot you posted the video of him winning.

I asked him to please stop posting more videos a while back. I completely agree that the people he brings to the site are basically just not worth it.
Activity: 31
Merit: 0
Please block this asshole from your site. Same one who I mentioned earlier this week who streams this shit and has everyone come in and try ddossing the site and the same idiot you posted the video of him winning.
Activity: 906
Merit: 1002
Out of all the gambling I do, which in my opinion happens to be way too much, BVC is my favorite place to play.

The one main suggestion I have is that they upgrade and give the Keno some love. Keno is a very fun game but I don't like how they have it set where a user has to play 10 numbers. On traditional Video Poker Machines that have Keno games they allow users to pick as low as 2 numbers. It's much easier to hit 5 out of 5 numbers rather than 9 out of 10, etc. If they could also add some animation and/or better sounds to the Keno as well.

Which I'm not dogging the Keno, it's great that they have it. There has yet to be any Bitcoin gambling site that has implemented Keno even half as well as they have, but I still feel like they could greatly improve on it. Right now users are running the slots hard in order to hit big jackpots but I honestly think that Keno is a better suited game for that purpose. The only problem is that for a big jackpot you need to hit 10 out of 10, which is pretty rough. If we had the option to play fewer numbers (with a lower jackpot of course) then I think that game would be a much bigger success. Just to get an idea the probability of hitting 10 out of 10 is 0.00000011 (with 1.0 being 100% chance).

Here's a great site to look up the odds on Keno and various paytables. Which I'm sure you guys would have a much better paytable.
hero member
Activity: 806
Merit: 500
sounds like a good solution for the moment.what if u try to make a certain limit of bets allowed in a second per account?
and a question also would be,do the bots fire bets faster then the autobet feature? if so maybe limit accounts so they cant bet faster then autobet does

I think that setting a rate limit is an good idea. Thanks. We are doing everything we can to make the experience for all players fair and fun.
sr. member
Activity: 400
Merit: 250
sounds like a good solution for the moment.what if u try to make a certain limit of bets allowed in a second per account?
and a question also would be,do the bots fire bets faster then the autobet feature? if so maybe limit accounts so they cant bet faster then autobet does
hero member
Activity: 806
Merit: 500
One thing I hate is that bots CONTINUE to win the progressive jackpots that are high and this is very well known, that I have seen the last 3 happen when the bots come in, it gets hit and all leave. It's really unfair and should be stopped. If you can't do that in a real casino, why are you able to cheat the jackpot online?

We're working hard on limiting the bots. We agree that it's unfair that they can jump in, play a ton of games very fast, get the jackpot, and then leave again.

Just to be clear, the bots don't have a better chance of winning the jackpot per game played. All games played are the same, regardless of whether it's by a bot or a human. It's only that they're able to play so many more games than a regular user can play, so they have a higher chance of eventually getting it. To get that chance, the bots pay for many more games played, which can end up screwing them if they end up not getting the jackpot. In that case, the human player wins all of the jackpot contributions made by the bots.

It's a tricky problem to limit the bots. If we rate limit accounts or IP addresses, they can create more accounts that run on different IP addresses, but at a slower pace. If anybody has any solutions to this, please let me know. For now, we have started to temporarily disable accounts that are blasting the server with a ridiculous number of games per second.
Activity: 31
Merit: 0
One thing I hate is that bots CONTINUE to win the progressive jackpots that are high and this is very well known, that I have seen the last 3 happen when the bots come in, it gets hit and all leave. It's really unfair and should be stopped. If you can't do that in a real casino, why are you able to cheat the jackpot online?
Activity: 906
Merit: 1002
Is that what happens?  It's weak for sure.   I was playing a few weeks ago for a few days and then all of the sudden a ton of people (I guess bots) showed up and the page slowed to a crawl and kept locking up.  I think the bot thing should have been done long ago.

OK, so I never paid attention before but how in the world does this guy have so much in winnings with so little in plays?  

I just looked.  I've played A LOT.   Over 100,000 spins.   I haven't even won 1BTC in a single bet.  Then you've got SlotAddict who has 4243 spins and has won over 61BTC.  That is nutty.

Did you take away the chat function too?

That account is one of mine (SlotAddict), just for your information, I've lost my ass on that account.

I mostly play the 0.001 and spin on Max. It comes out to 0.02 per spin. I was 20 BTC deep the other night and just kept playing until I hit the progressive (I built it up from 10 BTC to 15 BTC).
Activity: 72
Merit: 10
I play at the site - and I've used the chat.

#1 - it should be moderated.   I witnessed the spamming the other day.  Wildly racist comments...personal details..threats towards the person in question.

#2 - No deposit = no chat.  Wouldn't prevent spamming, but at least your site would get a little BTC out of someone determined to chat.

#3 - Most forums (including this one) have a set time that a person must wait between posting.  For new players, even a 15-30 second wait between posts, and an auto-flag if someone posts the exact same text 2+ messages in a row should be greeted with an extension of the time-to-wait between posts (or the ability to chat being turned off)

I like the site.  I've lost more than I've won.  I've researched variance after getting frustrated (I had zero winning hands in a 19 game stretch), and while things like losing 15-20 hands (I play blackjack) in a row are indeed rare, it's not unheard of.  When you play 10's of thousands of hands - you'll see it happen.   Here's the link that shows why losing streaks occur more than winning (vs the dealer)

I've had issues with the site freezing at times during games (it's possible it's an issue on my end, because it doesn't seem like it happens to others), the guy who replies to my messages has always been extremely accommodating and has helped me out.

I dislike a few of the blackjack rules - but a site that lets you play instantly without 1 confirm, and let's you withdraw as soon as there's 1 confirm is great.  The games play fast, and with the exception of the recent down time, it's a pretty zero hassle site to try and make a few BTC on and not have to wait hours or even days (which occurs at other sites) to get the BTC back into my wallet.
hero member
Activity: 806
Merit: 500

Did you take away the chat function too?

Sorry, forgot to answer this question.

Yes we took it away for now. During the keemstar videos the chat window would get filled with annoying and offensive spam messages. It would contain a lot of links to bad sites, people begging for coins and people posting the same message over and over. We got quite a few email complaints about this.

We're not sure how many people use or care about the chat function. Are there people here that used chat?

I guess we could eventually put it back. And probably add some system to properly moderate what people are saying. We're still not quite sure what is best.
hero member
Activity: 806
Merit: 500
Is that what happens?  It's weak for sure.   I was playing a few weeks ago for a few days and then all of the sudden a ton of people (I guess bots) showed up and the page slowed to a crawl and kept locking up.  I think the bot thing should have been done long ago.

OK, so I never paid attention before but how in the world does this guy have so much in winnings with so little in plays? 

I just looked.  I've played A LOT.   Over 100,000 spins.   I haven't even won 1BTC in a single bet.  Then you've got SlotAddict who has 4243 spins and has won over 61BTC.  That is nutty.

Did you take away the chat function too?

Yeah, I agree that it's a little weak that the bots can sweep in like that. You're probably right that we should have taken care of that a long time ago. From our perspective it was nice that the bots were playing lots of games, but if it angers other users then we can't have it.

The winnings stat shows the sum of coins that you have won, not including the coins that you have bet. So if you play Blackjack for 1 BTC and win 1 BTC, and then play again and lose 1 BTC, that stat will show up as 1 BTC, even though you actually broke even. We didn't want other users to be able to see how many total coins a person has lost on the site, so we figured that this would be OK since it would always be a positive number.
sr. member
Activity: 320
Merit: 250
★YoBit.Net★ 100+ Coins Exchange & Dice
Is that what happens?  It's weak for sure.   I was playing a few weeks ago for a few days and then all of the sudden a ton of people (I guess bots) showed up and the page slowed to a crawl and kept locking up.  I think the bot thing should have been done long ago.

OK, so I never paid attention before but how in the world does this guy have so much in winnings with so little in plays? 

I just looked.  I've played A LOT.   Over 100,000 spins.   I haven't even won 1BTC in a single bet.  Then you've got SlotAddict who has 4243 spins and has won over 61BTC.  That is nutty.

Did you take away the chat function too?
hero member
Activity: 806
Merit: 500
Keeps going up and down. 4th time now.

Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator, [email protected] and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

Apache/2.2.22 (Debian) Server at Port 443

And it is back up now. I hope OP has really solved all the problem completely now.

We were missing some network settings which prevent the server from blowing up when it's under heavy load. Should be fixed now.

We are also going to start temporarily disabling bots that are playing the games WAY too fast. A lot of users have emailed us saying that it feels unfair when many bot users suddenly show up, play thousands of games per second, and then disappear once the jackpot is won. It's great that people have used our API to make bots that can automatically play the games, but if it negatively affects real humans on our site, then we have to do something about it.
hero member
Activity: 602
Merit: 500
Acc bought - used solely for signature testing
For those with bots on the site waiting for +EV jackpots, I would withdraw your balances until this site is online all the time again. 4th time down for a good amount of time in a week is bad.
hero member
Activity: 603
Merit: 500
Keeps going up and down. 4th time now.

Internal Server Error

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

Please contact the server administrator, [email protected] and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

Apache/2.2.22 (Debian) Server at Port 443

And it is back up now. I hope OP has really solved all the problem completely now.
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