evo jedan vrlo interesantan clanak o poredjenju, odnosno komplementarnim mogucnostima Bitcoin i Ethereum mreze, odnosno BTC i ETH koina
https://medium.com/the-challenge/bitcoin-vs-ethereum-48121f5c42c2izvukao bi par citata za one koji nemaju vremena da procitaju ceo clanak:
- "Bitcoin and Ethereum are cryptonetworks, and should be judged by the value each network is capable of producing. (BTC and ETH are currencies which are used to reward participation in the respective networks)"
- "The Bitcoin Network Isn’t Money — It’s Security"
- kompletno objasnjenje zasto nema svrhe pokusati 51% napad na BTC mrezu, i koliko bi to zapravo kostalo nekoga da pokusa, odnosno bilo apsolutno besmisleno i neisplativo
- "The Bitcoin network is particularly good at protecting transactions with values in the range of $10k+" i "The average value of a BTC transaction today is about $5,700."
- "Bitcoin’s immutable ledger can also protect data, with no financial transaction involved."
- "Ethereum has so far spawned multiple killer apps: Fundraising (see the 2017 ICO boom), Decentralized Finance (DeFi) i Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) including digital collectibles of many different varieties."
"Bitcoin is a bit like a bank vault." i "Ethereum is more like a data center that you can pack any kind of computer into to perform any kind of calculation"- "Bitcoin trades flexibility for security, while Ethereum trades security for flexibility."
- "Both are valuable and worth paying for, and both tradeoffs are worth making based on the respective rewards."
uglavnom, zakljucak je da Bitcoin i Ethereum mogu jedan drugog podrzati i pomoci u brzem prihvatu od strane sirokih narodnih masa, samo za drugaciju upotrebu, BTC za sigurnost, a ETH za fleksibilnost, i da bi BTC mogao da se koristi za smestanje potvrda o vlasnistvu i transakcijama koje bi se mogle koristiti i na sudu, kao sto je navedeno na sledecem linku