I have spent 0.2 BTC. I am accepting donations. Here is a record of the transaction.
Proof I control this:
I am accepting donations at this address or at the previously posted address: 1Bcnt4thpoN4an4tUbScZSyTgyvDMyjeNq
Caveats are: 1. You must be provably owed bitcoin to obtain information. 2. It must be on or after Feb 1st as the agreement stands between myself and bit365. 3. Information regarding his home or office address, as it may lead to physical confrontation, is likely to be throttled, if obtained. In other words, I haven't decided how or if I can give that information out yet. I'd have to have crazy assurance that no harm will come to him or his family.
Have you obtained the identity of Bit365, but have not tied it to his physical address? I read your previous posts and you stated you are working everyday to obtain his identity. Thank you, I am owed over 3 BTC, a small amount compared to some investments.
Bit365 doesn't actually owe me a satoshi. I was doxxing him 1) out of curiosity and intrigue 2) to help the community redress his errors.
I was unable to determine his identity without "escalating" it. 0.2 btc out of my own pocket got me a doxxer-scammer (as opposed to a scammer-doxxer) who I have not heard from in a couple of days now. I can assume that he's run off with my 0.2 btc and is sipping drinks on a yacht somewhere
No one in the community donated anything to me. Zero. Zilch. Which I found discouraging.
Plus I lost my fucking job. Who put the fuck in job? There aint no "fuck in" job. So I have problems of my own. I wish you guys the best of luck, but you're on your own.
EDIT: As far as what I obtained. A gaming profile where the guy called himself bit365 and chose a Serbian flag. No posts, no other data. Actually, the other leads were about as interesting. There is a site called fakepuppy.com running on the same server, but it's likely that the hosting company just put "like" applications on the same box.
My conclusion is ultimately that if he's to be successfully doxxed, two things need to happen. 1) I could not get the blockparser to run on his addresses. If someone could do this, you'd get all his bitcoin addresses. Google each of them to see if he posted one online. I'm sure he did at some point. I kept getting "segmentation fault. core dumped."
2) you're going to need a black-hat. And that will cost you about .... oh... at least 60 btc. Since all your btc are belong to bit365 ... I don't have hopes that passing around a hat is going to accomplish this.