mundane but serious issue, shall we go the sha256d route or something else?
PS: just for shits n giggles idea, if you want to go the company route and get registered as coins101 mentions, maybe its worth looking into a DAPP or app on Ethereum or Maidsafe or Lisk or Bitshares. Leverage their new networks in some novel way as an organization. Im sure Maidsafe could accomodate a p2p service being built on top of its internet 2.0 offering once thats completed.
(dont flame me for this addon suggestions)
In terms of mining, Sir Crouton has some very specific ideas about getting rid of miners. I think they are needed, so it is mainly about the algo. There are plenty of SHA ASICs and you might find an attack very easy at the moment. Needs some thought, but I think focusing on the financial services aspect is probably the thing to do, as suggested above, for now.
Around this time last year I was thinking about how to make the end user experience much easier than it currently is, in terms of running a client where you get all the benefits of decentralization.
I started thinking about a hybrid version of and a full client. Then it struck me that what you needed was a Decentralized version of
Coinbase running on Masternodes. Several months later, Evan @DASH came out with Evolution, a version of PayPal.
So I'd think about going down that direction - decentralized Coinbase or Evolution type of accounts. That would mean masternodes running several services. DAPP is then a different issue to what services masternodes run for profit.
Right now P2P is hardly regulated. The authorities will eventually move in, but for now they want to encourage this sector because it creates an alternative to lending via banks.
You don't actually need an organisation or company at the moment, but I think it's essential for growth as there needs to be an interaction with Fiat to achieve explosive growth and benefit from the recent (last year or two) interest in P2P finance.
BCR already has a .org address. The organisation needs to be able to open a bank account and that will mean lenders can deposit fiat funds and borrowers can be paid out in Fiat from the lenders cash. The monthly repayments can be paid back to that bank account and interest payments plus loan repayments paid back to lenders.
The BCR blockchain can generate the banking reconciliation reports and the clients / blockchain can handle the instructions on who needs to pay whom and when.
I don't think BCR needs to be a company (there are several types of organisations that can be formed, eg a charity), although probably BCR should consider creating a company of some type. Masternodes could probably be issued with shares in that company (shares are now all pretty much fully automated). Now that would be interesting. DAPP could then be used as a way to do shareholder voting.
With so many things to do in terms of generating the right P2P financial experience, messing around with the algo now might be a distraction - actually, the algo details and the max coin supply aren't in the OP.