can we transfer shares to another exchange platform?
if anyone wants to sell KENILWORTH shares but can not do this anymore, I am interested in obtaining some.
Push the shares to my account on Bitfunder. Minimum transaction: 5000 shares (ask me for smaller amounts)
I am a German (European) citizen, fully verified at Bitfunder.
Payment via
BTC or € via SEPA wire transfer.
International wire possible if the buyer pays for my fees as well (about 15€ + money conversion rate)
€ price will be calculated from this average €/BTC price:|nogox (note the |nogox !)
Hero members from the German subforum have my verified address.
Please also check my active in the KnC Miner discussion or in this German thread see that I am a serious guy
Calculate my offer using this script.
Copy&Paste the BID Section from Bitfunder into this Unix script and use the number of shares wanted as parameter:
if test $# -ne 1
echo "Missing parameter: number of shares"
exit 1
grep -v "Quick Fill" | tr -d ",฿" | \
awk -v buying=$1 'BEGIN {buying=buying*3; price_sum=0; bought=0}
if(bought > 0) { printf "# buying: %d, bought: %d, paid: %.8f (%.8f), avg: %.8f\n", buying, bought, price_sum, price_sum/3, price_sum/bought }
if(bought+$1 < buying) {bought=bought+$1; price_sum=price_sum+$1*$2}
else {if(bought < buying) {price_sum=price_sum+(buying-bought)*$2; bought=buying}}}
END {printf "%d shares will be bought for %.8f BTC (avg: %.8f BTC/share)\n", bought/3, price_sum/3, price_sum/bought}'
I am offering the medium bid price for 3x the amount of shares you want to buy.
Sample result for 10000 shares:
../ 10000 < kenilworth.txt
# buying: 30000, bought: 10, paid: 0.00078010 (0.00026003), avg: 0.00007801
# buying: 30000, bought: 1510, paid: 0.11778010 (0.03926003), avg: 0.00007800
# buying: 30000, bought: 1540, paid: 0.12010540 (0.04003513), avg: 0.00007799
# buying: 30000, bought: 2415, paid: 0.18791790 (0.06263930), avg: 0.00007781
# buying: 30000, bought: 2445, paid: 0.19016790 (0.06338930), avg: 0.00007778
# buying: 30000, bought: 2465, paid: 0.19141850 (0.06380617), avg: 0.00007765
# buying: 30000, bought: 3465, paid: 0.25393850 (0.08464617), avg: 0.00007329
# buying: 30000, bought: 4116, paid: 0.27027860 (0.09009287), avg: 0.00006567
# buying: 30000, bought: 5116, paid: 0.29327860 (0.09775953), avg: 0.00005733
# buying: 30000, bought: 15116, paid: 0.40437860 (0.13479287), avg: 0.00002675
# buying: 30000, bought: 30000, paid: 0.56959100 (0.18986367), avg: 0.00001899
# buying: 30000, bought: 30000, paid: 0.56959100 (0.18986367), avg: 0.00001899
# buying: 30000, bought: 30000, paid: 0.56959100 (0.18986367), avg: 0.00001899
# buying: 30000, bought: 30000, paid: 0.56959100 (0.18986367), avg: 0.00001899
10000 shares will be bought for 0.18986367 BTC (avg: 0.00001899 BTC/share)
(I have the same offer for btcQuick shares here: )