Who is ZigGap and what do we do?ZigGap is made up of a team of dedicated Bitcoin service professionals located in the eastern United States.
The word Ziggap comes from the Korean word for wallet ( 지갑 ).
ZigGap stands on top as the most trusted method for purchasing BTC, and plans to offer the widest array of methods to buy Bitcoin.
Current payment methods include:
MoneyGram (USD)
Western Union (USD)
National Australia Bank Deposit (AUD, NZD, EUR, GBP)
International Wire Transfer (Many)
Only options available to your location based on your IP may be shown.
Operators superb OTC rating:
http://bitcoin-otc.com/viewratingdetail.php?nick=aethero ZigGapZigGap's profit is comprised of 50,000,000 shares in total.
1 share of ZigGap on BitFunder represents 1/50,000,000th of monthly profits after all costs.
ZigGap shares offer no voting rights. pieces of ZigGap on BitFunder do not represent real world shares of the company.
2,500,000 shares will be retained by ZigGap to maintain a growth and expansion fund. Should it be determined that the growth
fund is not needed, all amounts held by the growth shares will be equally distributed per share at the following dividend, and the
shares may be posted for sale.
As of the time of this writing, up to 35,000,000 shares will be released over time to the public on a varying time scale.
These funds will be used to secure agreements with processing companies, deposits, and other necessary needs.
Should the company be sold, the full amount of the purchase price will be evenly distributed among the 50,000,000 shares.
No salaries will be paid as an expense, and are only paid as dividend payments.
The first "Early-Bird" 10,000,000 shares have been posted for 0.00005 BTC each.
Additional shares will be sold at no less than 0.0001 BTC each.
DividendsDividends will be paid between the 1st and 5th of each month for the prior months profits.
A monthly statement will be provided at or around the time of Dividend payout.
First public dividend payout will be for the profits of the month of March at the beginning of April.
Forced BuyBackNo forced buyback may be enforced for shares of ZigGap.
HistoryCurrent month amounts will be periodically updated
Gross numbers for the month of March. Cumulative:
As of March 2nd, 2013:
Gross profit (after Bitcoin spot cost, before other expenses, before taxes)