The btcjam loan was taken out by RYAN AND STORMY, to start ZIGGAP. The loan was not taken out by ZigGap LLC, but by Ryan and Stormy. They are two different legal entities, and therefore debt owed by (or to) one does not correlate to the other. This it the purpose of an LLC.
Cool story bro.
Please point to where in the BTCJAM listing it indicates the loan is a personal one not to the business? Do you notice that the account name taking it is out is ZIGGAP? Do you notice that when asked what will happen if the business struggles he talks about what the BUSINESS will do not about what personal assets he has that would be realised to pay off the debt?
Do you notice it's listed as a business loan not a personal one? Do you realise that if you go to a bank and ask for money to be loaned to you personally to invest in a business then it will be a personal loan not a business one?
Do you notice that earlier in this very thread he's stated he's assuming personal responsibility for the debt? (
Do you realise that you can't assume responsibility for something if you're already responsible for it?
Are you any closer to getting the point?
The debt was to the company but he's now taking on personal responsibility to pay it. That was agreed (including by him) a page or so back. So long as he repays it, that's end of story. If he defaults then it gets messy - but if he defaults then it gets messy regardless of whose name the debt is in. And there's no reason why he should default as he'll have what was left of the loaned capital to make repayments from until dividends kick in.