sort of. we're talking long term here, so even going over 1*diff doesn't matter.
it might not be 100%.. probably a bit higher, but once expected value of shares goes below guaranteed payment of shares on pps, you are better on pps.
only if you want to reduce your variation, not if you want to maximise your payout in the long term.
Ok i havent done the math but lets say WE got 1 supper slow, and 3 fast pools.
The supper slow does like 5% a day
the fast does 100% a day
we turn this thing on everyone is at 0, it doesnt really take but 2 shares and we are on the slow pool. so we are stuck on the slow pool.
everyone else has a great day.. say 50%.. so they hit 50% we didnt have really any shares to speak of and didnt get paid but they are back at 0 in 12 hours. Slowpool is at 2.5%
so we swap to them for for the good pools for about 40 minutes and then back to slow pool.. mining away
next day slow pool is at 5%.. fast pools at 50%... so lets say they get a little lucky and all hit at 75%.. now it is 6 hours later. they all hit 0%
slow pool is at 6.2%
now we mine on the fast pools for about 90 minutes and back on slow pool.
throw in a shity day, now the fast pools dont see a block for 175%
so day 3 went by with us on slow pool now at 10%
day 4 is here slow pool is at 15% and they hit.
you can see where I am going... with extremely long time frames it might work out, but if really slow pool is on a 9 million block when we start, we will have wasted a majority of our time on slow pool, missing a good deal of better shares. all because most of the time, slow pool will have a less percentage.