1 miner is running only 2 th on 1 board another miner is only running 2.4 TH on all 3 boards and 2 are completely dead. I bought even the new Bitmain PSU with the miners...
Holy moses im dissapointed.
wow that sucks bad.
my two
1 does freq 625 good temps.
1 does freq 587 good temps.
I do firmware after all other methods are tried.
I would have down clcoked the 2th at
freq 650
then 625
then 600
then 575
then 550
then 525
then 500 if that failed
I would have pulled the psu from the best miner running close to spec and put it on the 2th 1 board miner. and tried freq 500 first.
if it worked I would know the boards are okay and the psu was shit.
if it did not work I would know the miner has an issue.
1 very stable at freq 625 fans at 90% about 13250
1 very stable at freq 587 fans at 90% about 12750
they are good from 75 f to 90 f
Im planning to try out lower freq on 2 of them today even they are all running at very cool temperatures. 80C on Chips.
I just do not understand why 2 are just dead…. No light no nothing. Tried 3 different Bitmain 1600 psu's on them and they just do not react at all…
but do you have another non bitmain psu that you can connect up to the miners or just to the controller to see if they power on. im not saying their monster psu's are bad or anything i just don't have 220v so i never used them but maybe the controller doesn't like the bitmain psu sorta like one of my s7's didn't like my evga g2 1300w psu while all my other miners worked fine with it. its just an option.