'some of us are in europe, some of us are not, but nahnahnahnahnah nah, we're not telling you.'
stinks of fraud to me.
And the guy who's been bringing this to light keeps getting his posts deleted from this thread, sans a comment from said deleter to address ANY concerns his investomers have, in spite of it was them who put Black Arrow where they supposedly are now--flush with bitcoins.
Make no mistake, it's Alex Sovu, a convicted felon, who's behind Black Arrow, putting in place layers, read resellers, between said entity and their/his investomers, with the resellers conducting the sales, including their very own Rival downunder in the land of OZ.
My family and I (a proper group buy) were looking in november/december last year which equipment to pre-order. to upgrade our garage space...
Black Arrow website wasn't long on the screen before we just looked at each other, and shook our heads.
just saying.