I haven't used the bot in a bull market before and I'm struggling with parameters.
I can get the bot to follow an upwards market trend, but it doesn't sell when the market has a downwards trend.
"Never Buy Over High24H Market Price -2%"
"Never Sell over Low24H Market + 2%"
These parameters work, follows the uptrend, but regularly fails to sell. Then when it does sell, it takes forever to buy again, if at all.
Too many times I've seen the bot sell pairs at set gain, as the market increases, so the bot just sits there waiting to buy lower, which doesn't happen in bull market.
Regards, Mark.
Heyy it's irongenius from telegram.
Firstly, the market price limit is just one among the many parameters CAT uses to trigger a ping/pong order. Some of your settings may be conflicting with each other which can either trigger or prevent orders from being created. So make sure you check your other settings first.
Second, a
ping order is your entry, and pong is your exit. It is easy to get confused between the two especially beginners. In your above example, you have not mentioned which part of the trade you applied this setting. Is it ping or pong or both? If you applied it only to ping, then CAT will never enter a trade with that setting. If only Pong, then it will never exit a trade with that setting. If both ping and pong then you apply it to your entry and exit trades. I suspect that your problem is most likely in this area so check your settings again in which part of the trade you applied the price limit.