
Topic: 【BOT】 🌟 C.A.T. Cryptocurrency Automatic Trader 🌟 (New Price List 04/2021) - page 43. (Read 531439 times)

Activity: 16
Merit: 0
Hi Sampey,
Can you look in to that link in PM please, just added file, thank you
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
1. How long did it took you to break even with the investment?
2. What was your worst thing/loss? What was the best?
3. How long have you been using the BOT? How often and what is your real gain till  now ( in % is enough)?

1. i didn't use CAT long enough yet - too busy and still trying to find perfect setup.
2. i am struggling to have really good statistics - since i am not only trading with CAT, I am still struggling to find out how much it really gained me in total - however every time i tested/used it, i had 10-30 successful ping pong cycles of 0,6-1% gain each. then i think once or twice i had a 5% stop loss triggering.... but as said i am not using it long enough.
3. really using less than a month, however i got the license half a year already, its complex, but when you get the hang of it i imagine it is really cool to have a tool trade for you all day on that many markets.
Thanks for the review
Any one else?
Activity: 19
Merit: 0
1. How long did it took you to break even with the investment?
2. What was your worst thing/loss? What was the best?
3. How long have you been using the BOT? How often and what is your real gain till  now ( in % is enough)?

1. i didn't use CAT long enough yet - too busy and still trying to find perfect setup.
2. i am struggling to have really good statistics - since i am not only trading with CAT, I am still struggling to find out how much it really gained me in total - however every time i tested/used it, i had 10-30 successful ping pong cycles of 0,6-1% gain each. then i think once or twice i had a 5% stop loss triggering.... but as said i am not using it long enough.
3. really using less than a month, however i got the license half a year already, its complex, but when you get the hang of it i imagine it is really cool to have a tool trade for you all day on that many markets.
I can only say - Sampey is doing super good support and is usually online/replying very quickly and straight forward helping. the software works well so far, but it is complex, as mentioned here its not a "set and forget" auto trading bot, it's a bot that needs you to select the right markets, do the right setup for that market situation and monitor it (monitor more if you have your setup less perfect, monitor less if you have set up more precisely covering all the situations that can appear.
Activity: 4
Merit: 0
Hello every one,
I'm intended to give CAT a try with Binance, but would love to hear more about your experience till now with BOT.
So :
1. How long did it took you to break even with the investment?
2. What was your worst thing/loss? What was the best?
3. How long have you been using the BOT? How often and what is your real gain till  now ( in % is enough)?

Would really appreciate honest feedbacks here, we are all in the cryptos to make money not to though it out of the window Smiley

Thanks again


- keep it simple...
Hello again every one... 

I got no answer from you about my Questions here... how should I take this... you're not interested to answer? or is it that good that every one want to keep it for himself? or it is that bad that you don't want to answer?
I am really confused.... would appreciate your comments sincerely...



- keep it simple...
Activity: 19
Merit: 0
Hey guys,

sure someone who is using CAT frequently knows that - sorry if i am asking again, but i have to be sure about this and its hard for me to find out/calculate.

when a ping-pong is complete, in GAINS tab, there is TOTAL FEE and TOTAL GAIN.
now just to be sure:
no matter what market or exchange i trade, no matter how high TOTAL FEE is, even if it is bigger than TOTAL GAIN, i still have TOTAL GAIN, since it is the gain after subtracting total fees of the trade, correct?

cause i was trading the other day and found that FEE was always higher than GAIN - it's still - gain is after all the fees, the TOTAL gain of that ping/pong cycle, right?
like here:

2018-01-25 21:56:08 NEO/BTC BUY [email protected] -> SELL [email protected] Gain 0.00003521 Fee 0.00017936 (0.00008941+0.00008995) Total Market Gain 0.00050109 Global Market Gain 0.00050109


Activity: 4
Merit: 0
Hello every one,
I'm intended to give CAT a try with Binance, but would love to hear more about your experience till now with BOT.
So :
1. How long did it took you to break even with the investment?
2. What was your worst thing/loss? What was the best?
3. How long have you been using the BOT? How often and what is your real gain till  now ( in % is enough)?

Would really appreciate honest feedbacks here, we are all in the cryptos to make money not to though it out of the window Smiley

Thanks again


- keep it simple...
Activity: 6
Merit: 0
Sampey Sent. Everything according to your instructions. TY.
jr. member
Activity: 171
Merit: 3
I need a break!
I cant wait for 5.2 to be released, Great work Sampey Smiley
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
Feature request:
When you get a chance could you please consider adding a feature that would allow us to tick an option that when we place a Pong Stop Loss (SELL All if Market Price Goes UNDER [value] that it would also place (or maintain) PING LIMIT - Never BUY UNDER [same value as Pong Stop Loss value] and when the Pong Stop Loss value is updated it would automatically update the associated Price Limit order.
Currently this can be done manually by placing a Price Limit Static PING LIMIT - Never BUY UNDER [value] but when we update our PONG Stop Loss rule we also have to remember to update the associated Price Limit rule.

Basically what this will do is when the market crashes below a certain point and the Stop Loss triggers it will prevent CAT from trying to re-enter the market while the market continues to crash making further losses.
Alternately, an option that when ticked, and the stop loss rule triggers, a cancel all order for that currency pair is sent and when filled CAT goes into Standby mode that prevents any further trading of that currency pair.

Your thoughts..

Regards Steve
hero member
Activity: 742
Merit: 505

Hmm, im getting "An error occurs during load market tickers" trying to login to yobit.

Havent used it there for a while, they done any changes?
(weblogin and account seems fine)
hero member
Activity: 785
Merit: 500
BURST got Smart Contracts (AT)
Got this in the log:

2018-01-30 09:30:51| OCR : Try To Create new Order (From GUI) PING : SELL [email protected] (Dynamic)
2018-01-30 09:30:51| ******************************************************************************************************************
                     * Error : OCR : Create Order (From GUI) Error From Binance : {"code":-1013,"msg":"Filter failure: MIN_NOTIONAL"} *
2018-01-30 09:30:51| OCR : PING : SELL [email protected] (Dynamic) Order Creation Attempt Is Discarded
2018-01-30 09:30:51| PPE : Algo Started At 2018-01-30 09:30:51 (Algorithm_Id : NULSETH_9461 C.A.T. Version : 5.2)
2018-01-30 09:30:51| - Current Algo Parameters -------------------------
2018-01-30 09:30:51|  Ping-Pong Mode : Normal
2018-01-30 09:30:51| - General Attributes -
2018-01-30 09:30:51|  Min % Guaranteed Gain : 0.300
2018-01-30 09:30:51|  Always Create Pong Orders From Trades : true
2018-01-30 09:30:51|  Avoid Immediate Price Match In Order Book : false
2018-01-30 09:30:51|  Check To Not Buy/Sell To Yourself : true
2018-01-30 09:30:51| - Skip Book Orders Attributes -
2018-01-30 09:30:51| - OrderBook Filters - NONE
2018-01-30 09:30:51| - PriceLimit Attributes - NONE
2018-01-30 09:30:51| - StopLoss Rules - NONE
2018-01-30 09:30:51| - Buy/Sell Pool Parameters -
2018-01-30 09:30:51|  Create Ping Orders Only If Market Spread Is > 0.000%
2018-01-30 09:30:51|  Limit Buy Pool ETH Max Value To : 9999999.00000000
2018-01-30 09:30:51|  Limit Sell Pool NULS Max Value To : 9999999.00000000
2018-01-30 09:30:51|  Reuse 100.000 % of ETH Sell Pong Trade Into Buy Pool
2018-01-30 09:30:51|  Reuse 100.000 % of NULS Buy Pong Trade Into Sell Pool
2018-01-30 09:30:51|  Never Create Ping with NULS Qty > 10000000
2018-01-30 09:30:51|  Never Create Ping with NULS Qty < 0
2018-01-30 09:30:51|  Never Create Ping with ETH Qty < 0.00000000
2018-01-30 09:30:51|  Add 0.000% NULS Amount into Sell Pool Every Pool Lookup
2018-01-30 09:30:51|  Add 0.000% ETH Amount into Buy Pool Every Pool Lookup
2018-01-30 09:30:51|  Add Fix 0.00000000 NULS Amount into Sell Pool Every Pool Lookup
2018-01-30 09:30:51|  Add Fix 0.00000000 ETH Amount into Buy Pool Every Pool Lookup
2018-01-30 09:30:51|  Stop Ping Creation If Current Market ETH Sell Price is > 99999999.00000000
2018-01-30 09:30:51|  Stop Ping Creation If Current Market ETH Buy Price is < 0.00000000
2018-01-30 09:30:51|  Stop Ping Creation After 0 Ping-Pong Completed
2018-01-30 09:30:51|  Stop Ping Creation If Number Of Active Orders is > 1000
2018-01-30 09:30:51|  Stop Ping Creation if Total ETH Orders Amount is > 100000.00000000
2018-01-30 09:30:51|  Stop Ping Creation if Total NULS Orders Qty is > 100000000
2018-01-30 09:30:51|  Reset Sell Pool Value If Current NULS Amount is < 0
2018-01-30 09:30:51|  Reset Buy Pool Value If Current ETH Amount is < 0.00000000
2018-01-30 09:30:51|  If Needed, Adequate Pool New Ping Pool Order to Min Total (Qty*Price) : false
2018-01-30 09:30:51|  If Pool Value > Available Amount then Adequate Pool Values to Available Amount : true
2018-01-30 09:30:51| - Dust Elements Parameters -
2018-01-30 09:30:51|  Ping Order is Dust if Current QTY is < : 0
2018-01-30 09:30:51|  Ping Trade is Dust if QTY is < : 0
2018-01-30 09:30:51|  Ping Trade is Dust if Trade Total < Min Total Market Order : false
2018-01-30 09:30:51|  Dust Elements are : Put Into Buy/Sell Pool
2018-01-30 09:30:51| - Running Options -
2018-01-30 09:30:51|  Lookup Every 40 seconds
2018-01-30 09:30:51|  Recalculation Every 3 Lookup
2018-01-30 09:30:51|  Check Buy/Sell Pool Every 5 Lookup
2018-01-30 09:30:51|  Check Ping Trade Pool Every 3 Lookup
2018-01-30 09:30:51|  When Convert All to NULS Became Active, delete SELL PING : false
2018-01-30 09:30:51|  When Convert All to ETH Became Active, delete BUY PING : false
2018-01-30 09:30:51|  Run PingPong For 0 Minutes, And The Return to NULS : false
2018-01-30 09:30:51|  Run PingPong For 0 Minutes, And The Return to ETH : false
2018-01-30 09:30:51| - Advanced Options -
2018-01-30 09:30:51|  Find Trades using : My Trades Api Call
2018-01-30 09:30:51|  If Needed, Adequate Ping/Pong Order to Min Total (Qty*Price) : true
2018-01-30 09:30:51|  If Calculated Sell Order Qty is > Available Qty Then Use All Available Qty : true
2018-01-30 09:30:51|  Merge Equal Orders Into a New One : false
2018-01-30 09:30:51|  Merge Equal Trades Into a New One : true
2018-01-30 09:30:51|  Try to Stay Alone on top orders book : true
2018-01-30 09:30:51|  Never Recalculate Order Qty : false
2018-01-30 09:30:51|  Subtract Fees From Ping Trade Buy Qty Before Create Pong Sell : true
2018-01-30 09:30:51|  Subtract Fees From Ping Trade Sell Total (Qty x Price) Before Create Pong Buy : true
2018-01-30 09:30:51|  Reduce Order To Restore Qty by 1.000% Before a new creation Retry
2018-01-30 09:30:51|  Consider 100.000% of Your Real ETH/NULS Balance
2018-01-30 09:30:51|  Subtract All Buy/Sell Pool Current Values While Considering Available Amounts : false
2018-01-30 09:30:51| ---------------------------------------------------
2018-01-30 09:30:51| BSP : Ping Buy Order Creation Active : true
2018-01-30 09:30:51| BSP : Ping Sell Order Creation Active : true
2018-01-30 09:30:51| PPA : Pong Buy  Creation Active : true
2018-01-30 09:30:51| PPA : Pool Sell Creation Active : true
2018-01-30 09:30:51| PPA : Lookup 1 Zombie Status : No Ping/Pong, No Active Trades,Buy/Sell Pool is Empty & No Active parameters to Add Values To Pool, No Order To Restore.
2018-01-30 09:31:31| PPA : Lookup 2 Zombie Status : No Ping/Pong, No Active Trades,Buy/Sell Pool is Empty & No Active parameters to Add Values To Pool, No Order To Restore.
2018-01-30 09:32:11| PPA : Lookup 3 Zombie Status : No Ping/Pong, No Active Trades,Buy/Sell Pool is Empty & No Active parameters to Add Values To Pool, No Order To Restore.
jr. member
Activity: 134
Merit: 1
Hey guys

As a newbie to C.A.T. and the bot world, is anyone willing to share their settings for a successful ping pong strategy they are using?  I figure it may be a little less intimidating to look at an existing strategy and modify it rather than start from scratch.  I'm using the Binance API currently.  Thanks a ton for any help and/or suggestions.


For me I just look for a market that does not always fluctuates up or down like crazy, so either sideway or slowly raising (or declining works too). I only aim for 0.8~1% (not yet deduct the fees) for each trade, don't set stop loss, be patient for bags it will come back only a matter of time. Do little trade each time focus on volume, dont go all in (1-2% of your port per trade) and set it to stop ping after successful 2-5 ping-pong trades, usually watch the market and tweak the setting if needed.

The market goes up and down a lot, so don't expect anything fancy in a day or two, don't expect to get everything back within a week, just patient & patient.

p.s. Due to no time & busy on my day job, I'm looking to sell my license of CAT, pm me if anyone is interested!
Activity: 1
Merit: 0
Hey guys

As a newbie to C.A.T. and the bot world, is anyone willing to share their settings for a successful ping pong strategy they are using?  I figure it may be a little less intimidating to look at an existing strategy and modify it rather than start from scratch.  I'm using the Binance API currently.  Thanks a ton for any help and/or suggestions.

Activity: 28
Merit: 0
Sampey sorry

Tell me and there is a demo version to try, and how much it will cost, the cheapest license is 0.01 btc?

There is no demo, I asked a few weeks ago. Prices are transparent at the begining of the thread.

tell me what is normal for 0.01 of a professional for 0.065 I will be able to work on regular exchanges through the API?
sr. member
Activity: 504
Merit: 251
Sampey sorry

Tell me and there is a demo version to try, and how much it will cost, the cheapest license is 0.01 btc?

There is no demo, I asked a few weeks ago. Prices are transparent at the begining of the thread.
Activity: 28
Merit: 0
Sampey sorry

Tell me and there is a demo version to try, and how much it will cost, the cheapest license is 0.01 btc?
Activity: 19
Merit: 0
did you press the UPDATE Button on the market panel?
Because the LOAD ON CURRENT PARAMETER PANEL doesn't update your running algorithm, but only load the parameters on the GUI

yes i would have pressed update but the problem was that the parameters were not even loaded into the GUI.
Now however its working again.
so either i have done something wrong or the way to reconstruct that is different- i will contact you if happens again and i can present the steps for it.

NET GAIN is WITHOUT FEES, so 0.00003521 is your net Gain.

i mean - if the TOTAL GAIN of a PING PONG in GAINS TAB is lower than the TOTAL FEE, then i am still "earning"?
Activity: 2632
Merit: 1040
just to be sure one more time - when a ping/pong is complete - looks for example like this:

2018-01-25 21:56:08| Ping-Pong Complete. Summary (Ping-Pong Fees/Net Gain are Proportionally Calculated From Pong Trade Qty) :
                     Ping : BUY [email protected] Total In BITCOIN 0.03585304/ Pong : SELL [email protected] Total In BITCOIN 0.03597763
                     Ping-Pong Fees : 0.00017936 (From Ping 0.00008941 + From Pong 0.00008995)
                     Net Gain In BITCOIN : 0.00003521 / Gain in % : 0.59999656
                     Pong Trade SELL [email protected] Total : 0.03597763 Fees : 0.00008995 Will Be Managed by the BUY Trade Pool

it looks like the fees are a lot higher than the net gain... but they are included in the calculation or? i mean since you wrote bittrex wants trade+fee and that throws the error when using all the funds, i am worried that those fees would eat up balance with every ping-pong cycle - can you confirm that fees are included in the total gain calculation?

NET GAIN is WITHOUT FEES, so 0.00003521 is your net Gain.
Activity: 2632
Merit: 1040
Sampey have to describe here about my template trouble.

here what i do:
- i set up 2 price limit rules
- and set up 1 pong stop loss rule
- i go to Parameter Template
- in Selected Algorithm Action i choose "Duplicate as new Template" and give it a name to save that.

I can see the rules in the saved User Algorithm:
- PriceLimit Rules -
 Price Limit Rule : PING LIMIT (Adequate:false) - Never BUY OVER Your Last PING SELL Price + 1%
 Price Limit Rule : PING LIMIT (Adequate:false) - Never SELL UNDER Your Last PING BUY Price + 1%
- StopLoss Rules -
Stop Loss Rule : BUY All If % With Reference Price is < -5.00000000

then when i open a new market where i want these rules, i go
- Parameter Template
- select the User Algorithm that i saved before
- On Selected Algorithm Action i choose "Load on Current Parameter Panel"
- it is confirmed by a red DONE next to the selection box

Even after loading and double clicking to "Currently Running", those rules don't come up.

did you press the UPDATE Button on the market panel?
Because the LOAD ON CURRENT PARAMETER PANEL doesn't update your running algorithm, but only load the parameters on the GUI
Activity: 19
Merit: 0
just to be sure one more time - when a ping/pong is complete - looks for example like this:

2018-01-25 21:56:08| Ping-Pong Complete. Summary (Ping-Pong Fees/Net Gain are Proportionally Calculated From Pong Trade Qty) :
                     Ping : BUY [email protected] Total In BITCOIN 0.03585304/ Pong : SELL [email protected] Total In BITCOIN 0.03597763
                     Ping-Pong Fees : 0.00017936 (From Ping 0.00008941 + From Pong 0.00008995)
                     Net Gain In BITCOIN : 0.00003521 / Gain in % : 0.59999656
                     Pong Trade SELL [email protected] Total : 0.03597763 Fees : 0.00008995 Will Be Managed by the BUY Trade Pool

it looks like the fees are a lot higher than the net gain... but they are included in the calculation or? i mean since you wrote bittrex wants trade+fee and that throws the error when using all the funds, i am worried that those fees would eat up balance with every ping-pong cycle - can you confirm that fees are included in the total gain calculation?
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