virtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python3 .env
source .env/bin/activate
pip install -r ./requirements.txt
Extracting backup tarball...
Invalid backup tarball!
It's invalid backup....
You need to run:
you may need to use an older factory firmware as I can’t remember whether the newest LPM firmwares are partial updates as opposed to full firmware images.
Here are the instructions for if you do not have a backup from when you upgraded to bOS
1.) create empty directory backup
2.) create text file mac (without any file extension)
3.) write one line with MAC address to the file mac (you can obtain your MAC address from web interface Network -> Interfaces -> MAC-Address)
4.) compress the file mac with tar using gzip compression and store it to the backup directory with a name config.tar.gz
5.) create a file called uEnv.txt in the back up directory containing the following information:
This is from the walkthrough given to me by Braiins support.