This isn't a Ponzi scheme, as the dividends for MINING are paid on schedule out of the SELLING reserves. SELLING is NOT guaranteed to make a profit or to necessarily pay anything out. SELLING is paid a dividend only if the Difficulty increases significantly.
So the flow is like this: funds from people buying SELLING become the MINING dividend which is paid out on schedule.
If the difficulty goes up a lot and the dividend required by MINING is smaller, then that difference is profit for SELLING and becomes a SELLING dividend.
Is this correct?
How does the situation change when you buy a SELLING share from someone whos selling one? Obviously the proceeds of that sale go to the seller instead of MINING dividends.
The situation doesn't change.
If you buy a SELLING from someone else then the funds YOU pay go the person you buy from. But the funds THAT person paid are still held by me and available to pay dividends to the associated MINING share.
I hold a fixed amount of cash for each pair of MINING+SELLING (the NAV/U of a PURCHASE). Mining gets paid dividends from that cash as though it held shares in a mining operation. SELLING gets dividends if/when difficulty rises sufficiently that a dividend can be paid and still keep 400 days of dividend for MINING in reserve.
When you buy a SELLING from someone in effect what's happening is that by buying, indicating that you believe the likely future value of dividends makes holding the share at that price better than having the trading price.
This (DMS) isn't a traditional investment fund where the manager makes profit for you (a small amount is made from investments but not enough to justify investment on its own). Your profit or loss is made based on the trades you make of MINING and SELLING with other investors. You can make profit (or loss) in broadly three ways:
1. By more accurately predicting future behaviour of difficulty then buying whichever of MINING/SELLING (if either) is currently underpriced. At times NEITHER will be underpriced (so worth buying) based on your predictions.
2. By predicting how the market will respond to difficulty changes and other news. typically the market over-reacts which provides opportunities for profit.
3. By arbitraging MINING/SELLING vs PURCHASE and/or trading the spreads on them.
I won't make much profit for you - you have to make it yourself. My role in DMS is far more that of an escrow/administrator than an investment manager.