Current total signups minus existing rejections = 541. More will be rejected in the next manual update batch. Still more will be rejected at the end of the campaign for not meeting the minimum requirement upon completion. The Minimum pool for this campaign is 2000 TIME.
Using conservative estimates from averaging on prior project's incomplete entry rate of 15%, an additional 71 of this 541 will fail to meet the 50 positive post requirement and be rejected at the end. This leaves the current Number of participants at 470. This would mean 4.26 TIME per participant upon completion, if it ended today.
The current price of TIME is 0.01 BTC. Even assuming 0 growth upon first hitting exchanges, and even with such a limited supply (with some of that locked up for months, to boot), that is a value of $34.79 per participant at current USD price of 1 BTC. This is quite a bit different from 'a few cents'.
The price per 1 BTC would have to fall below $1 for this to be worth a few cents per participant. If that happens, the value of a signature campaign will be the last of anyone's worries.
but depend of rank bct..