Even though there are no guarantees in bitcoin that the BTC price will continue to go up, we can likely see that a guy who has various plans to continue to buy might be better in circumstances that the BTC price dips after his initial purchases, yet surely people are going to have their own ideas in regards to the BTC investment strategies, and some people will have been better at planning and/or having some flexibility to roll with the punches than others.
As I said earlier in the local board today, new investors and old investors of bitcoin are always happy when the price is in the dip and the bear market because that is the best time to accumulate many to the wallet so that whenever the price goes up they will make good profit from it.
And what happened last week in the bitcoin price was also good for short term investors like the price was on $54+k and if an investor bought it at that price and today, it is $56+k and the person would make 2% increase as profit. But the best investment plan is long term so you don't have to both yourself to monitor the market.
Yeah, but so fucking what about either 2% profits or having had been able to buy 2% more BTC with the same amount when the BTC price had dipped. We are not talking about trading in this thread. There are all kinds of other thread that you can go present your trading discussion points, or make your own thread on the topic of trading.
And, yeah, when we are in the midst of a dip, we might even see that BTC prices are getting to be more than 20% lower than the ATH or even some other price point that we might see. and so we can potentially consider that we are getting a bargain as compared to the earlier BTC prices. We are alto buy 20% more with the same amount of money and then when the BTC price returns to the prior prices, we are able to skim off 20% profits if we were to be trading rather than long term investing. When we long term invest, we have the potential of our profits to fold in amongst themselves and so we increase our odds of being able to achieve compounding profits rather than just skimming off profits at various points along the way...
And don't get me wrong, I am not even suggesting that the compounding profits is guaranteed, yet I am suggesting that guys who are in their earliest stages of buying BTC and building their BTC holdings are likely not even that well severed by giving a whole hell of a lot of thoughts in regards to how much he is in profits or not in profits, even though I do appreciate that any of us feel better to be in profits rather than having our BTC holdings being in the negative... but it is very difficult for any newbies to really establish any kind of decently sized BTC stash within their first cycle unless they were able to front-load their investment, which truly is not the situation for a lot of people in world, so I am not going to assume that people are going to be able to front load their investment into bitcoin unless they describe their situations to have had been enabling them to accomplish such front-loading of their BTC investment.
I understand that the title of the thread is a bit misleading since people see buy the dip and then they start to consider trading kinds of ideas, and surely over the past few years of this thread we have been having battles over the ideas of buying the dip versus just plain ole DCA buying, especially for newbies and especially for members who are inclined to invest for the long term in bitcoin rather than trading.. .. so yeah, we have never been talking about trading in this thread, except maybe incidentally, and also if our goals are to accumulate BTC, then many of us already recognize that selling is not a great strategy in order to achieve accumulation goals, and to the extent that you are trying to use selling as a BTC accumulation method, then at least you are potentially closer to the topic, even though many of us are not too excited about selling to be serving as an effective and reliable technique to accumulate more bitcoin, since it also has likely tendencies to devolve into gambling. just like any trading techniques seem to suffer from that same risk of devolving into gambling.
And nobody can guarantee the price of bitcoin at all time and that is why it is good for the long term investment.
At least you recognize bitcoin as a long term investment.. so at least, we are on the same page in that regard.
And whenever the price dip then it is to refill the wallet for whatever I have. If someone bought it when it is high and the price suddenly came down to the dip, he should not panic and all what he should do is to pick courage and keep hodling and one day the price would go up again.
Surely if someone already has BTC then he may well have more luxuries to wait for the dip, yet frequently many of us talk about newbies to BTC are likely going to be better off to just continue buying BTC no matter the price, and sure if they happen to have some extra money come in while the BTC price is dipping, then they may well end up choosing to buy more BTC on the dip with that extra money. So, yeah, there can be some competing ideas about whether anyone in their earliest of stages of bitcoin investment should be just buying BTC all of the time or waiting for dips, and if they are buying BTC all the time, then they probably woudl be happy to see dips during periods that they are continuing to buy, so even if they had bought a lot of BTC at higher prices, they should be able to recognize and appreciate that ongoing buying is putting them into even more of a proactive position in regards to their bitcoin holdings, rather than waiting around for the BTC price to go back up above their earlier higher buy prices.