I'm sure some of them bought on dip and DCA prices, but I'm sure not everyone who says they are actually buying because of the budget constraints they have. Honestly, I really want to stop this nonsense, but let them think for themselves. red4slash, you know that you still need to have an emergency budget to deal with unexpected financial situations, so you don't need to emphasize your desire to invest consistently if you don't have an emergency budget.
If there is no emergency budget, it could be that the investment will fall apart, we humans are in need of the unexpected so understand this, don't ignore that emergency funds are important for your needs, including your family's health costs.
There is a theory that to start investing it must have a reserve fund for the next 6 months so that investment will not be disrupted, the next 6 months can be categorized as an emergency budget while there is still income every month, so investment will be much better when something starts with a mature plan.
This part of your post makes a lot of sense $crypto$; however, I will also add that it would not be absolutely required that a person establishes his/her 6 month emergency fund prior to even getting started in investing.
In other words, you can build your emergency fund while you are investing, and surely getting to 6 months is nice and solid and perhaps not even overkill, even though many people do not even have 2-3 months of an emergency fund.. and many people live pay check to paycheck and surely those people are gambling whenever they invest into anything because they have failed/refused to get their shit together prior to investing, and so any steps in the direction of making progress towards improving your situation is going to make a person a better investor, and we need not let the perfect be the enemy of the good, even if we might continue to attempt to make progress towards improving our practices and working towards making our set up more and more perfect.. and maybe we might not even completely achieve the perfect.. but working towards it little by little is much better than not even thinking about what would be the place that we would like to get to and then to regularly see that we are hopefully making progress in the right direction.
Of course they have different views on how to invest in bitcoin, here we must be able to accumulate bitcoin and that many people want.
Surviving 5 years with bitcoin I think that is enough to take maximum advantage.
This sounds like a pretty weak idea... including "taking maximum advantage" makes it sound as if you believe that you need to cash out of bitcoin. What the fuck you going to buy with your bitcoin that is better than bitcoin? Sure you can consume some of it and sure you can diversity in to some other investments, including maybe buying your own personal home, but still there likely are needs (and preferences) to maintain decent amounts of your bitcoin investment at all times rather than thinking about cashing out of it.. but yeah, each person is going to figure out these matters in different ways including once s/he get through BTC accumulation, then maybe what might be a good way of maintaining some decent level of BTC stash in order to ongoingly benefit from having had accumulated bitcoin rather than selling out of your bitcoin and either consuming it and/or investing into inferior assets.
Of course they have different views on how to invest in bitcoin, here we must be able to accumulate bitcoin and that many people want.
Surviving 5 years with bitcoin I think that is enough to take maximum advantage.
True, this is very relevant and makes sense, however, regarding the pattern of investing in BTC using the DCA method if it starts today... I think the waiting period of 5 years might be too long for me personally, maybe for other people.
It is likely not long enough for many people, even though they might think that they have to buy something blah blah blah.. when they likely are going to be way more advantaged by creating and maintaining some kind of a longer term BTC investment plan that does not necessarily involve getting out of BTC, so in that regard, they (including you YUriy1991) likely need to engage in some kinds of thinking regarding how to transition from BTC accumulation into a kind of maintenance stage and then at what point liquidation might come. which the liquidation phase would likely be towards end of life, but the maintenance stage would mean bitcoin is forever not some dumbass short term thing that you cash into dollars or buy property that is not going to likely be as good of places (as compared with bitcoin) to keep much if any of your value.
Yes, I was thinking and this is definitely not a reference as conveyed by brother @2Pizza410000BTC regarding the BTC price target via the GPT caht application because it is possible that the current data has not been completely generated.
Who cares what chatGBTC says or any of those other models?
you need to think for yourself and you also need to figure out some kind of a plan that prepares yourself psychologically and financially for a variety of scenarios, and nothing wrong with accounting for various models including ChatGBT, but in the end you likely need to formulate your own plans, and sounds like you are having some troubles with that... so you likely need to work on those kinds of preparations.
there is a big possibility that in April 2024, to be precise, the profit can be felt and one more thing I think is the point, for those who have a monthly salary and are already paid, this DCA style investment pattern can already be applied
And so you are planning to cash out some in April 2024?..
Whether the price goes up or not by the halvening is likely a big so what.. since it tends to take several months for the effects of the halvening to be felt (meaning the reduction of the new supply of BTC).. so there will be additional UPpity price pressures that likely happen after the halvening.. and they increasingly are felt in the next year or two after the halvening, which may or may not end up contributing to the price of BTC to go up after the halvening, including many months after the halvening.