Are you trying to shut me up by saying nice things?
No, because if I wanted you to truly shut up, I would just click the ignore button, like what I do to all of the disinforming trolls/gaslighting charlatans. But EXCEPT franky1, he's a national treasure in the forum/community. A special kind of Gaslighting-Troll. He deserves the extra attention. This forum is probably therapeutic for him, and helps his mental-state. Hahaha!
I don't ignore any member, even though sometimes it might become tempting to do so in regards to a few members, yet for the most part, it takes very little time to scroll through any particular post.. and I tend to believe that even the most challenging of members to read, every once in a while even those members will post some information that is worthy of consideration.. and it does not take me much more than a fraction of a second or a few seconds at most to determine if I would like to spend any time considering their ideas (to the extent any ideas seem to exist). So maybe we have similar perspectives regarding Franky1.. he can go from one extreme to another.. make some decent points, and then "horey sheit" how could anyone actually think that way? hahahaha.. I hate to make any mental diagnosis regarding any particular forum member, but you are correct that sometimes the mental state will show through the writings... and sometimes it might not be a good idea to comment on such mental status... .. but hey we cannot necessarily be psychological experts, either, so sometimes I have been lectured for being too much of a meanie.. and sure, I understand that sometimes any of us might write "mean" posts without necessarily realizing the level of cruelty that might be perceived in our own writings, even if we are believing that we did not intend our writing to be particularly cruel.
Are you trying to shut me up by saying nice things?
No, because if I wanted you to truly shut up, I would just click the ignore button, like what I do to all of the disinforming trolls/gaslighting charlatans.
Couldn't help reading your exchanges as I got tagged in nearby posts -- gotta say guys like franky and proudh have long been my favourite "anti-heroes". I do ignore many of the latter's posts, but at the very least, you can't accuse them of being unentertaining. I do enjoy seeing more kinds of forum posters but the majority seem to be just careless posting, beyond the point where it's casual discussion, into "better say nothing than say meaningless things".
I have found that some "lame" posters will sometimes get better with practice, and sure of course, there are some "lame" posters who seem to never really get better, and accordingly, they will post some basic (generalized) ideas or not even any ideas from themselves, over and over and over, and in that regard, we sometimes would end up concluding that these guys do not have any abilities to actually think for themselves.
What's funny to me though is that at least half of those who've posted in this thread agreeing with buy/hold, I found annoying, or disagreed with (in the reasoning to buy/hold). Least frank and proud actually have something meaningful to say in disagreeing
It does seem that some members are either unable to back up what they are saying, or they just post vague generalizations that have little to no meaning, and there are a lot of threads that have that kind of vague and meaningless content, unless a more senior member comes into the thread to actually make some meaningful points on whatever vague-ass topic was being discussed.
Part of the reason that I have such a passion to attack members who use the term "crypto" without context does not really have so much to my happening to be against "crypto" or against shitcoins, but I sometimes get overly annoyed with the use of that vague term, and sometimes such vague references (especially regarding that stupid-ass term, "crypto") will come from otherwise very smart people, and sometimes they will try to defend their use of the term by saying "everyone else uses it." hahahahahaha It becomes an easy way to identify that an otherwise seemingly smart person does not seem to know what the fuck they are talking about when they throw out such a term... .. and it's my belief that if such otherwise seemingly smart people are called out on their use of such term, the genuine ones will actually attempt to communicate more clearly rather than continuing to insist on using such term in a vague and/or meaningless way.. Many of us have even spotted billionaires and even supposed financial experts throwing around such vague term, which surely should raise some red flags, if we are trying to actually engage in critical thinking rather than just accepting vague-ass representations from otherwise seeming subject-matter "authorities."