Honestly, those sets of people that always want to buy the dip, I view them as short-term holders, which I see as traders. They always have the intention of selling in a short period of time. But for anyone that is ready to hold their Bitcoin for a very long period of time, I don't think they should have that type of mindset. This type of mindset can hold someone back from investing in Bitcoin. It has happened to many people, all just because they wanted to buy Bitcoin at a cheaper rate. They are still waiting for the Bitcoin price to drop to $20k. They saw it and refused to buy at that time because of the mindset of always waiting for a dip. In fact, many have even wasted the money in other ways.
So if I decide to buy only a dip of $56k from the activities that have played out in the month of August and September, does that make me a short term holder, or a trader, or someone with the intension of selling?. That's never true. You see, when someone chooses to buy a dip in this recent time, he/she must be realistic with the dip to aim for or expect. To be honest, I don't think anyone who is in a right state of mind will be expecting a dip of $20K. If there is anyone like that, then we shouldn't even be talking about them because they are not from this planet. The thing with buying Bitcoin's dip is that everyone choose to have their own price expectation, i.e every individual chooses the dip they want to buy. Someone can choose to buy at $56K, while another can choose to buy at $55.8, but the choice of dip must be realistic and must align with the condition of the market.
But here is the real truth. Waiting to buy a dip is not ideal. Because, you've to understand that Bitcoin price might likely not go back to your price of expectation. Bitcoin price dropping down to someone's expectation is a 50-50 chance especially when the price expectation is too unrealistic. So why even take the risk when you can just use the DCA method that is been suggested here.
Instead of someone chasing dips, they can think wisely and start using the method of DCA. Many of them should be in a grateful stage by in few months to come because once someone starts using the DCA method, they will eventually discover that they have accumulated a reasonable amount of Bitcoin between some months. It would be better if people stopped waiting for a dip, as we don't know exactly when it will happen, and instead focused on the DCA method, which allows them to buy Bitcoin at different prices.
Now your statement is making sense as I completely agree with this.
A BTC accumulator could have BTC buy orders that start from $56k and then go down every $1,500 and scheduled to buy BTC at each potential price point, so then that money is set aside for buying dips, and the further down, the lower the chances that the buy orders will be filled.. and even if the higher level buy orders at $56k might be greater than 50% odds of being filled, that does not make it a good idea to base your buying of BTC on such dips, especially if you are someone who is either brand new to bitcoin and/or even has assessed himself as not having enough BTC.
Of course, since BTC prices are currently right around $59,900 as I type this, someone who set his next buy order at $59,753 would have pretty high odds of having the order filled, so it would not be unreasonable for someone who is largely buying at current prices, so then there would be a question regarding how much cash is desired to keep reserved for buying of dips that might not happen...and each of us would place different odds on different price levels being reached, and surely the odds are ongoingly changing, just like the odds of returning back above $60k are decently high right now, yet the odds of never returning below $52.5k are different today as compared to what they were yesterday, and each of us are not going to be assigning the same odds, yet we might not even need to assign any kinds of accurate odds if we are buying BTC regularly, there may well not be any need for brand new folks to bitcoin to be assigning odds to BTC price drops in regards to their BTC buys, even though they might want to just attempt to do it for fun that does not affect their regular buys.
We might even consider that the odds of going to $56k might even be in the 65% to 70% arena, yet that still might not be any kind of a justification to set buy on the dip orders for those kinds of prices, because it may not even make much difference if we buy another $100 worth of BTC at $56k as compared to buying it right around our current price of $59,900-ish...especially if we are going to be weekly buying $100 for the next 4-10 years or longer.
No big deal about Bitcoin investment, the thing is if you can wait and save up money with you knowing that there is assurance of that money growing despite all negatives that will occur with the investment as you the years goes then Bitcoin investment is for you but if you know you are not good in waiting and expecting some kind of miracle to happen maybe you wake up one thing within a short period of investment and discover your investment blow overnight then you are probably with the wrong investment.
Bitcoin investment doesn't require much just
1. Patience
2. Available funds (not huge but steady)
3. Positive mindset (strategy included)
There are more but I think all fall under these three .
You think so mate?, Bitcoin investment involves a lot of discipline and consistency to build your portfolio, also you need a good level of preparedness and planning in order to raise funds, set aside your emergency fund and dedicate your discretionary funds for your accumulation process. The disciplining part is the most challenging since you've to lay down patterns which you must follow consistently in buying Bitcoin periodically. Holding it for a longer period of time is another not so easy task. Most times you might feel tempted to pause and use your investment money tho have fun, but reminding yourself of your goal and not yearning to the temptation demands a lot of emotional strength. Not forgetting that you've to keep making money to service emergencies constantly for the long term so that you'll not tamper with your investment.
Furthermore, taking up a side hustle to service your investment or maintain your standard of living while still being consistent in your investment is a sacrifice which is not so easy. I literally have to remind myself everytime I go for my side hustle that I'm making those sacrifices for the future. Also, engaging properly helps increase the quality of your personality over time and makes you more responsible and manage your finances better.
In a nutshell, Bitcoin investment demands a good level of discipline, consistency and sacrifice in order to follow-up your accumulation patterns and reach your target. The only time when it looks a bit easier is when you've been into the process for a while and it's already part of you such that you now do it effortlessly.
Everything that you said is true but I think that some people can find it easy to invest in bitcoin and hodli for long without any much problem just like the way Jaycoinz stated because there are some people who already have a source of income and good financial management. People who are used to saving little part of their income whenever ot comes maybe weekly or monthly for long in a bank for an
important thing they want to achieve maybe buying a land or building a house.These set of people will find investing in bitcoin with DCA easier for them because they are already used to such practices and will not be a problem for them to hodli for a long time as long as they believe in bitcoin. However, new investors will don't know how to save money can find it difficult in the first time but due to determination and believe in bitcoin, they will be able to adjust their ways in order for them to be able to invest in bitcoin and hodli for long.
To me, it seems that there can be phases of the investment process that are easy, but then a lot of difficulties and temptations along the way...and you pointed out an exact dilemma that comes when people might have some intermediary goals of some specific things that they want to buy such as land or a house - and since intermediary goals tend to be subcomponents of financial independence, they could end up conflicting from higher level goals of reaching financial independence and/or reaching a high enough level with your investment that you don't have to work anymore and that you can just live off the income from your investment in a kind of passive income way.. yeah, sure you may well need to engage in a certain level of work that involves managing your stack.. but at the same time, any other work that comes from how you chose to spend your money are related more to chosen kinds of work that are related to your consumption rather than work that you have to do in order to generate enough income to support your living standards.
My point is that it could become quite tempting to spend some of your BTC investment too early,.. and yeah, sure it might not seem like any kind of problem when you are in your fairly earliest of stages of BTC accumulation, yet if you make it through one or two BTC cycles, you might not be close enough to fuck you status, yet you still might get lured into cashing out decently large portions of your BTC or perhaps diverting your BTC accumulation efforts (when you really should still be accumulating BTC) way earlier than you should be, and perhaps even preventing yourself towards ever reaching fuck you status which might have had been your goal and which might have had been reasonably within your reach if you had not gotten distracted away from your BTC accumulation efforts...and even ending up spending decent chunks of your BTC.