Still doesn't change the fact that today under current conditions your post is a waste of server storage since it offers nothing and is completely pointless.
It would be like me offering to buy Apple shares at 20 USD each and saying that the day will come when you thanked me for this offer!
Other than the fact that a $1500 investment in apple right now nets you shares in apple.
But what i claim is not based on the future. It's based on what i believe to be the currently veiled present. The easiest way to disagree is to ignore me.
I guess the alternative would be just to post my passport, and assume people will ignore my most recent scam, also still dodging responsibilities and still never facing consequences. What fucking legitimacy do you have? had you won your bet, what lengths would you have gone to to ensure you were paid? how many would suffer for you to collect? I remain semi-anonymous for my own personal safety, but even that has to be a step above known scammer. I registered with my own name in the interest of a complete public identity should it be required, but i'm not requesting loans, i'm not making bets, i'm placing a standing offer to buy. A no risk offer to exchange money for investment. I don't think providing my social security number is needed for this transaction.
Fuck off. This isn't an auction thread.