I have a buddy who deals with debt collection, not a court Bailiff, more of an "old school" collector. If anyone wants this scumbag found and pressure put on him please drop me a PM with the amount you are out of pocket, if there is enough value combined then I can try to sort something out with my contact.
From what I remember a lot of people lost out on this.
Not only were orders not fulfilled or coins not funded, but coins eventually began to 'mysteriously' get redeemed whilst still intact.
I think I lost about 0.5-0.75BTC which is nothing compared to others. There were guys over on the LTC forums who lost a lot lot more.
I did some digging and managed to speak to them before they were wound down. There may have even been some legal action in the works but I think it was dropped. (There are a lot of threads with info people found).
Having been said now that this can also be considered a criminal case, I'm sure we could get something done to get this scumbag off the streets.
The contact I have is not the type of guy you call if you are perusing a legal case. He is more along the line of this bloke.
but he is far from cheap and takes a "drink" out of every debt collected, though with crypto mooning this should not be an issue if the guy here is still holding some LTC or BTC