No liquidator has been appointed as of yet and wind up forms are used before a company goes into liquidation (which is what he is claiming his company is in on his site).
Lies, lies and more lies from Coinographic
Didn't you and I both call them out on their bullshit over a month (or two) ago?
Not surprising how things ended.
Their actions show how scummy they are.
Yes Mark you are scummy for doing all of this.
I'm still shocked that he has not even funded coins from October, it seems that things have been going "wrong" (or money "disappearing") for a long time...
That is the revelation that sealed it for me that they were scammers. You do not go 3 months without funding coins for many customers and not try to make it right immediately and without delay.
Mark (coinographic) was here for one thing and one thing profit even if his business failed he wanted to profit from his customers sending him funds for physical coins and then pulling a fast one on them by now closing up shop without even trying to make customers whole with their existing "stock" of physical silver litecoins.