Dont you remember josh words? he said his customers were assholes and motherfuckers. I dont have the right to say the same thing to him?
Deine Meinung erfreut mich sehr. Kennen wir uns ?
Yeah I think you need some help in your life. I didnt call you as "Jadu",
Let me show you who Jadu is:
Seit candoo an der Hamburger Euro-FH Wirtschaftspsychologie studiert, ist er ein völlig neuer Mensch geworden. Mal sehen, wie lange die Lektionen in Wirtschaftsethik vorhalten.
Anyways dear Slok,
why do you defend a company that screws everyone? You must be josh or someother BFL sockpuppet.
I dont know any brained human that would do advertising for bfl
Looks like you are really into dicks. yumm
Slok how comes that you defend BFL ? Did you receive a pretty good massage or what happend? Some months ago you were screwed by bfl like all other customers
1400k+3200k+20000k=24600k Mh/s=$106,863.96 a day??
Check my calculation please, someone?