actually it is the employees obligation to gather funds for emergency like this and not blaming their employers because they are not giving them money.
disagree, it should be employer obligation to have funds to protect his worker from leave in a case of emergency,
Who told you that?it is our obligation as Employee to provide for our needs and it is not our employers because they are paying us for our works and in time of leave we must have our saved funds because we must be aware that time like this will happen if we are a responsible person.
it is a responsible business model,
you have already mentioned that here,it is just to be a MODEL but they are not Obliged to do it because it is their own prerogative .
in a way you put it, all employees will be gone during the pandemic, and casino would not be able to open due to lack of workers, when time to open, or they will have to invest money to train new employees,
Of course if that is the only way to fulfill the business needs?then why not re hire others and train them as that?
it is the best business model to keep your employees, and protect them during crisis, because in good times you will not share bonuses like crazy, you will make your fund for situations like this
again this is not their obligation mate that is my Point but i never said that Employers must abandoned their employees in this kind of time because i myself is doing some helps now in my own little ways.