After reading a lot posts about bank transfer nigthmare, I decided to take a look at CryptoCapital, which is actually a third party payment system. According to Crypto Capital, internal transfers between bot Individual -> Corporate, Individual -> Individual, Corporate -> Indvidual, Corporate -> Corporate are INSTANT and FREE OF CHARGE. However takes %2 Fee from USD withdrawals. But that is not the real issue, The problem is Cex.IO is not integrated to Crypto Capital API. They probably manually transfer money to Crypto Capital, by Opening the web site, login into it, fill the form and "Click". This is the most out of date, most primitive method of paying.
As Crypto Capital says, IT MUST BE INSTANT, unless someone is not doing it MANUALLY?
This is why Cex.Io is not tier 1 exhange, nor tier 2. It is a tier 3 exchange with terrible technology integration.
Cex.Io is the biggest regret. Do not use it!
And Its activities must be investigated by both MI5 and InterPol, and immediately stopped.
Please send as many request as you can to legal authorities
Here is the links to create requests:
MI5 WebSite: WebSite: National Crime Agency & Financial Investigation: