I still don't understand what diff1/4 share means (or rather, what it is; why not diff579 or something) in the slightest. What you described is pretty much what I can see in the tooltip in CGWatcher, but that still doesn't explain it. I mean, I am very new to all this, so is there any "idiot explanation"?
Two hours later, accepted count is still zero in Status tab, but 59 in the bottom "loglike" window in Devices tab.
Share difficulty allows devices with higher hashrates to get work with a higher difficulty instead of a lot of work with low difficulty. For example, let's say a GPU gets diff1 work (the lowest difficulty). It hashes and gets one diff1 accepted share every minute. Now we buy an ASIC that mines 100x faster than the GPU. Instead of sending the ASIC 100x the work, we can just send it diff100 work that it has to solve to get one diff100 accepted share. This saves a lot of overhead. Pools pay in diff1 equivalent, so 100 diff1 shares should be paid the same as one diff100 share.
Today, I started CGWatcher, and I've kept running for roughly 30minutes, although cgminer says it's connected, and it's running, coinotron says cgminer isn't running (or it showing 0khs).
What am I doing wrong?
The only thing I've done differently is I added the following arguments:
-o stratum+tcp://coinotron.com:3334 -u [username] -p [password] -I 18 -g 1 -w 256 --thread-concurrency 15232
I answered this in the post you created. I would suggest trying a different pool because I believe the issue is coinotron.
This seems to occur when its getting data (i/o lock?)? It comes back after a short while but older versions didn't do this. Also it seems to occasionally "wait" to query the API and gets a "not responding" after a few minutes it comes good..
Other than that nice job.
What are you doing (or what is it doing) when this happens? What do you mean by "getting data"? If after it comes back you can create a debug report and send it to me, I'd really appreciate it. That will hopefully show in the log what happened. You can create a debug report by going to the Tests tab and clicking 'Create Debug Report' button, and my email address is in the readme.
I understand that may be unexpected behavior, but it is doing what it says it will do. If you stop the miner using the Stop or Pause Mining button, this option should not start the miner. It only launches the miner when it closes unexpectedly, or when CGWatcher starts - which is by design and was asked for by users.
I'm working on coin stuff for CGRemote right now, and it will probably all make it's way into CGWatcher as well. It's not as simple as combining the data - I either need to give the user an option to select which provider to use for each field, or create scheduling options for both data providers. I'm going with the first one... I just need time to code it.
I deleted all of them and recreated them, yet they do not run. Specifically the "switch profile to most profitable" event that worked fine for me before.
Any help is appreciated.
There are some circumstances where a scheduled action may be ignored. If this occurs the reason is written to the log. If you can email me a debug report (go to Tests tab, click Create Debug Report) and the file called cgwatcher.log in your CGWatcher folder I'll see if I can find a reason they were not triggered.
I second the problem. I'm using the program to mine SHA256 coins. I have the schedule setup to switch profile when the most profitable coin changes with no luck. My guess is that it ignores the coins on the profile and it simply goes after the most (scrypt) profitable coin. The scheduler is running and if I setup the scheduler to restart it, it does restart, just to come back to BTC instead of one of the other SHA256 coins
If you set a scheduled action to trigger when the most profitable coin changes, it will do just that - with no regard for which coins you're mining. The action is triggered, and if set to switch to the most profitable, for example, it will look at all of your profiles and switch to the most profitable.
If you set a scheduled action to trigger when the most profitable profile changes, it will only be triggered when the most profitable coin that you're mining (and is linked to a profile) changes.
I'm not sure if I answered your question. If not, please try to explain a little more and I'll give it another shot. A list of your profiles and their coins would be helpful.